Tag: flood

  • Aktivierung des Disaster openrouteservice für Überschwemmungen in Pakistan

    In den vergangenen Wochen hat die Monsunflut in Pakistan über 1.000 Tote gefordert und Millionen Menschen ohne Dach über dem Kopf hinterlassen. Da Berichte und Fotos von rapide steigenden Lebensmittelpreisen, Bewohnern, die durch schultertiefes Wasser waten und Satellitenbilder von überfluteten Flüssen das Ausmaß dieser Katastrophe unterstreichen, hat das HeiGIT den Disaster openrouteservice für diese Region…

  • Disaster openrouteservice response to Pakistan flooding

    Over the past weeks, monsoon flooding in Pakistan has left over 1,000 dead and millions without homes. As reports and photos of skyrocketing food prices, residents wading through shoulder-deep water, and satellite images of flooded rivers highlight the magnitude of this catastrophe, HeiGIT has created an activation of the Disaster openrouteservice for that region. Currently, data is…

  • New paper published about the OSM Sketch Map Tool

    The Sketch Map Tool supports participatory mapping approaches and risk communication. An new paper presents the different functionalities of the tool. OSM data quality can be evaluated regarding the fitness for the sketch-map-approach. Based on the great idea of Field Papers, paper maps can be printed out for the use in the field, and afterwards,…

  • Starkregen in Heidelberg: Zusammenarbeit mit Bürgern der Stadt

    Starkregen stellt eine besondere Gefährdung in Heidelberg dar. Studierende haben bereits im Rahmen eines Seminars der GIScience und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Amt für Umweltschutz, Gewerbeaufsicht und Energie der Stadt Heidelberg Informationen zu Starkregen in Handschuhsheim mit partizipativen Methoden gesammelt und analysiert (Blogbeitrag). Nun bietet die Stadt Heidelberg über die Infoseite www.heidelberg.de/starkregen ein Portal zur…

  • HeiGIT/ GIScience at ISCRAM conference in Valencia

    19th-22nd of May, the 16th Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference is taking place in Valencia. Likewise to previous years, the GIScience Research Group/HeiGIT are taking part and supporting with several contributions. Martin Hilljegerdes will present a paper, based on his Master Thesis, focusing on “Evaluating the effects of consecutive hurricane hits…

  • Kick-Off Waterproofing Data project in São Paulo, Brazil

    This month we kicked off our new project Waterproofing Data in São Paulo, Brazil together with partners from Warwick University and Brazilian stakeholders such as Cemaden (National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre for Natural Disasters / Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais) or local Universities, City of São Paulo, Fundacao Getulio Varga etc. We…

  • Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps

    The flood risk perception of people living in areas at risk can be a valuable source of information for mitigation and preparedness within disaster management. We apply a method based on sketch maps and questionnaires to capture this flood risk perception during case studies in Santiago de Chile. Results of our study can be found…

  • New ‘Transformations to Sustainability’ project “Waterproofing Data” with UK and Brazil

    Recently a project proposal to the Belmont Forum and NORFACE joint programme Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) call has been accepted. The project “Waterproofing Data” investigates the governance of water-related risks, with a focus on social and cultural aspects of data practices. Typically, data flows up from local levels to scientific “centres of expertise”, and then flood-related…

  • Determination of building inundation depths based on user-generated flood images – new study published

    In our recently published study “Direct local building inundation depth determination in 3-D point clouds from user-generated flood images” we present a new approach for deriving local building inundation depth from ordinary user-generated flood images captured during a flood event. After reconstructing a 3-D scene of the building of interest with close-range photogrammetry (CRP) algorithms,…

  • OpenFloodRiskMap Online combines Critical Infrastructure from OSM with Emergency Routing

    some time ago we deployed OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM) at http://ofrm.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/ OpenFloodRiskMap (OFRM) is a prototype web application to assist decision makers in developing alarm and operation plans for flood risk management. The OFRM hereby provides support in accessing critical infrastructure (CI) information in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) data base and to furthermore add this information to an…

  • A conceptual model for quality assessment of VGI for the purpose of flood management

    Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has emerged as a potential source of geographic information for different domains. Despite the many advantages associated with it, such information lacks of quality assurance, since it is provided by individuals with different motivations and backgrounds. In response to this, several methods have been proposed to assess the quality of volunteered…

  • Flood risk assessment at the future Mexico City International Airport – GIScience Colloquium presentation today

    We cordially invite any interested person to another public talk in our GIScience colloquium series this monday. The topic is: Flood risk assessment at the future Mexico City International Airport Dr. Carolina Ramírez-Núñez / visiting scientist GIScience Heidelberg, CONACYT, National Council of Science + Technology, Mexico Date: Mon, June 6, 2016, 14:15 pm, Location: Heidelberg…