Tag: VGI
Call for Particiption: Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Disaster Prevention and Flood Risk Management” Heidelberg, 17.10.2013
Call for Participation: Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Disaster Prevention and Flood Risk Management” Heidelberg, 17.10.2013 The summer 2013 floods which hit areas in parts of Germany and adjacent countries devastated large areas and caused a huge amount of economic losses. Against the backdrop of this “centennial flood” this conference deals with the…
Road-based travel recommendation using geo-tagged images from social media
Geotagged photos on social media like Flickr explicitly indicate the trajectories of tourists. They can be employed to reveal the tourists’ preference on landmarks and routings of tourism. Most of existing works on routing searches from social media are based on the trajectories of GPS-enabled devices’ users. We attempt to propose a novel approach in…
Towards interoperability between data from technical sensors and human sensors (VGI)
The increasing availability of sensor devices has resulted in large volumes of sensor data, which has raised the issue of making these data fully discoverable and interpretable by applications and end-users. The idea of OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) has addressed this issue by proposing a set of standards to enable accessibility of sensor data…
Updated Programme for Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement”
The draft programme and list of presentations for the conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” has been updated. A very promising list of experts in Disaster Response, CrowdMapping, Social Media, GIScience etc. will gather at Studio Villa Bosch, Heidelberg on 17.10.2013. Further there will be two social events (icebreaker and cool…
Just in time geographies @ EUGEO 2013
We do contribute to the session “just in time geographies” (S19) at the EUGEO congress of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe. It is taking place in Rome 5.-7. September 2013 and Alexander Zipf is giving an invited talk on the relationship between VGI data quality and usage potential for dynamic geographies. This session…
Draft Programme for conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement”
A first draft list of talks and presentations for the conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” (17.10.2013, Heidelberg, Studio Villa Bosch) is available. In addition there will be several short presentations during the workshop-part of the event. This is a draft programme subject to change: some titles are still working titles.…
Do cities make us ill? – new project on PsychoGeoinformatics
To what extend do urban environments put stress on mental health? And how can geographic information and analysis support in discovering the underlying relationships ? These are the core research questions of the new collaboration project “PsychoGeoinformatics”. The project has been accepted as a twinning project of the Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg…
Alexander Zipf invited to Editoral Board of “Future Internet”
“Future Internet” (ISSN 1999-5903), a scholarly open access journal on Internet technologies and the information society, is published by MDPI online quarterly. Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Andrew Hudson-Smith, Director and Reader in Digital Urban Systems, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London. Future Internet increasingly publishes research about the relationship on Geographic Information and Web…
High Cartographic Quality Label Placement on OSM-based Map
In January 2012 we launched OpenMapSurfer – a web map service with a set of custom layers that are based on geo-data of OpenStreetMap project. The main idea was to present OSM data in a different way by placing emphasis on the cartographic representation of data, namely to enhance the quality of the cartographic lettering…
Fachtagung: Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement
Vorankündigung / Save the Date: Fachtagung: Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement am 17.10.2013 in Heidelberg (Studio Villa Bosch) Nicht nur vor dem Hintergrund des diesjährigen „Jahrhunderthochwassers“ befasst sich die Fachtagung mit der Frage wie Freiwillige und Nicht-Fachkräfte mittels sozialer Medien und moderner Web-basierter Methoden bei der Erfassung und Kommunikation aktueller Vor-Ort-Informationen…