We do contribute to the session “just in time geographies” (S19) at the EUGEO congress of the Association of Geographical Societies in Europe. It is taking place in Rome 5.-7. September 2013 and Alexander Zipf is giving an invited talk on the relationship between VGI data quality and usage potential for dynamic geographies. This session is chaired by Mark Graham (University of Oxford) and aims to address this important moment by focusing on the growing production and availability of geographic information generated by non-professional users and supported by technologies generally known as Web 2.0. The magnitude of the phenomenon requires attention to the potential applications of geolocalised and georeferenced information that “volunteer geographers,” “citizen scientists” or common users produce through Web 2.0. Such user generated content, termed volunteered geographic information (VGI), differ from conventionally produced geographic information in several aspects: the source of the information, the technologies for acquiring it, the methods and techniques for working with it and the social processes that mediate its creation and impact.