Tag: VGI

  • 2nd. Call for Papers: RICH-VGI Workshop @ AGILE 2015, Lisboa

    2nd Call for Papers: Enriching VGI @ AGILE 2015 Workshop We call for papers for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lisboa, Portugal. Tuesday 9 June 2015 In recent years we have witnessed the rapid…

  • Geographic Feature Mining from VGI – a framework for Geographic Knowledge Discovery

    This friday Dipl. Geographer Christian Sengstock successfully defended his PhD thesis in the combined faculty for the natural sciences and mathematics of Heidelberg University. He developed a framework for Geographic Knowledge Discovery from User-Generated data. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Michael Gertz (co-PI at our CrowdAnalyser Graduate School) from the database research group at…

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Backend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new backend for OpenRouteService.org. The new implementation is much more flexible and faster than before and supports more sophisticated routing profiles. The services are deployed on a new and more powerful server that makes it possible to update routing graphs based on OpenStreetMap data more…

  • GIScience group participated in Open Data Day Mannheim

    Last Saturday (21/2) the GIScience group Heidelberg was part of the International Open Data Day. Open data enthusiasts all over the world teamed up to create new applications derived from open (not only governmental) data. The local open data day in Mannheim has seen 7 finished projects including Wikipedia edit wars analyses, public transport visualisations,…

  • AGILE 2015 Workshop:::”VALID-LAND: assessing the fitness of citizens observatories for LAND cover/use mapping & VALIDation purposes”

    Dear colleagues, In addition to our RICHVGI workshop in AGILE 2015, which will be held on June 9, 2015 in Lisbon, we are organizing a hands-on session called “VALID-LAND: Assessing the fitness of citizens observatories for land cover/land use mapping and validation purposes“. We would be delighted to see you joining along with spreading the word. Topics:…

  • GIScience HD @ CEBIT 2015: Specialized Routing Services with IBM and HDM-I

    Tour-Optimization in the Cloud in cooperation with IBM and Heidelberg Mobil International HDM-I the GIScience Research Group of Heidelberg University presents new approaches and solutions for specialized tour-optimization based on free and open geodata from OpenStreetMap and Cloud-based services in the in the “Cloud Area” at the CEBIT computer fair. These services enable software developers…

  • Citizen Science 2015 in San Jose CA

    On the 11th and 12th February 2015, the Citizen Science 2015 conference took place in San Jose, California. Two busy days of presentations, symposia and workshops provided a great opportunity to learn about and discuss the latest developments in research and practice this field. Citizen science, which has been around for some time as an…

  • Quality analysis of VGI: Our session at the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2015)

    Dear colleagues, we are pleased to announce our session called “Quality analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) towards effective use” at the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2015), which will take place in Montpellier, France, from September 28th to October 3rd 2015. Please consider submitting and presenting your relevant research in the…

  • Call for Papers: Enriching VGI @ AGILE 2015 Workshop

    We call for papers for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lisboa, Portugal. Tuesday 9 June 2015 In recent years we have witnessed the rapid emergence of olunteered Geographical Information (VGI) projects. VGI is being…

  • Modeling the evolution of OpenStreetMap with Cellular Automata using a new VGI Contribution Index

    Major research efforts have so far dealt with OSM data quality analysis, but the modality of the evolution of OpenStreetMap (OSM) across space and time has been barely noted. Therefore, a new study by Jokar Arsanjani et al. that has recently been accepted for publication in Transactions in GIS aims to analyze spatio-temporal patterns of…

  • Vandalism in Volunteered Geographic Information revisited

    In this weeks BrownBag talk at the UCSB Spatial Center Dr. Andrea Ballatore gave a nice overview about vandalism in user generated geographic information. The talk referred to his recent paper on “Defacing the Map: Cartographic Vandalism in the Digital Commons“. There he outlines a typology of different kinds of map-based vandalism through a qualitative…

  • Special Issue “GeoWeb 2.0” of ISPRS Journal of Geo-Information is Online

    The special issue on “GeoWeb 2.0” of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information with guest editors Alexander Zipf and Bernd Resch (both GIScience Research Group, Heidelberg University) is online and can be found here (Open Access). The special issue aims at exploring new trends in how the production and usage of geographic information are being…