Tag: VGI
10 Days to Deadline for Link-VGI Workshop Short Papers at AGILE 2016
A little reminder that the Deadline for Short Papers for the Link-VGI Pre Conference Workshop at AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016. Helsinki is approaching! The main theme is “LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms” and the workshop shall focus, but is not limited to, the following topics and…
disastermappers heidelberg and GIScience meeting Missing Maps in London to foster collaboration and partnership
Last week, Carolin Klonner, Benjamin Herfort, Melanie Eckle (GIScience Heidelberg and disastermappers heidelberg), Svend-Jonas Schelhorn, Christof Nichterlein (disastermappers heidelberg), Prof. Dr. João Porto de Albuquerque (GIScience Heidelberg and Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick) and Roberto Rocha (University of Münster) travelled to London to meet the Missing Maps team. During a one and a…
Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis – Kick-Off Meeting
This week the Kick-Off Meeting of a recently started collaboarative project on “Crowdsourcing for Forensic Disaster Analysis” (CrowdFDA) took place at GIScience Heidelberg University together with partners from the Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Dr. Bijan Khazai) as member in the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM, KIT) and…
Open Position Senior Researcher Volunteered Geographic Information, OSM, LULC
Stellenausschreibung GIScience Universität Heidelberg Senior Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/-in PostDoc Geoinformatik (100%) Volunteered Geographic Information, OSM, LULC In der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle für eine(n) erfahrene(n) wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter/-in (100%, TV-L), idealerweise promoviert, zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen v.a. die Mitarbeit in neuen EU HORIZON2020 Forschungsprojekten (z.B. http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/gis/land_sense.html bzw. http://www.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/gis/wegovnow.html ). Die relevanten…
New HORIZON 2020 project “WeGovNow” – Towards We-Government: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges
Recently a new 3 year EU project in the HORIZON 2020 programme has been accepted and is about to start now. WeGovNow is aiming at using state-of-the-art digital technologies in community engagement platforms to engage citizens in decision making processes within their local neighbourhood. It aims at bringing together multiple citizen-driven systems into a single…
GIScience Heidelberg joins OSGeo GeoForAll Labs
The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg joined the OSGE GeoForAll initiative and network as an Open Source Geospatial Laboratory and Research Center. GIScience Heidelberg is supporting free and open GI software, open GI standards (OGC), open Geo-Data (e.g. OpenStreetMap and other VGI), open access publication and GIS education in many ways. This is demonstrated already…
A Conceptual VGI Quality Framework – chapter published in ‘Spatial Information Theory’
Now the book “Spatial Information Theory” has been published in electronic and print format. It includes full papers from the COSIT – CONFERENCE ON SPATIAL INFORMATION THEORY XII 2015, including our paper: Ballatore, A. and Zipf, A. (2015): A Conceptual Quality Framework for Volunteered Geographic Information. In: Fabrikant, S.I., Raubal, M., Bertolotto, M., Davies, C.,…
Yet another little Paper Meta-Statistics
uuuhh, we just realized that we have the most cited papers in both the “ISPRS International Journal of Geographic Information” (IJGI) as well as in the journal “Future Internet” (according to the journals counting). Additionally also in both most cited lists of the two journals we each have a paper on place four. Further two…
Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap: A Comparative Study for Four Countries
Contribution inequality widely exists in OpenStreetMap (OSM), which means that most data come from a minority of the contributors, while the majority only accounts for a small percentage of data. This phenomenon is of great importance to understanding from where the data come and how the project evolves. The investigation in a recently published paper…