Tag: VGI

  • A review of volunteered geographic information quality assessment methods

    While Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is gaining more and more popularity and VGI datasets are being used in various projects, there are always concerns about the quality of them. During the past years several studies have been performed regarding VGI quality assessment by employing different methods/approaches. However, if one needs to evaluate the quality of…

  • Volunteered geographic (mis)information? Measuring quality in crowdsourced maps – Colloquium Presentation by Andrea Ballatore this Monday

    We invite anybody interested to the following open talk in our GIScience colloquium series this Monday: Volunteered geographic (mis)information? Measuring quality in crowdsourced maps Dr. Andrea Ballatore Dept of Geography, Environment and Development Studies Birkbeck, University of London Lecturer in GIS and Big Data Analytics Mon, June 27, 2016, 2.15 pm, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg…

  • WeGovNow WebPage is live – Towards #WeGovernment

    The WeGovNow Towards #WeGovernment: Collective and participative approaches for addressing local policy challenges Establishing citizens as partners in the delivery of public services. A new type of citizen engagement platform, expanding the viability of and capacity for citizen coproduction in the public sector. WeGovNow and its 12 partner organisations are building upon earlier research and…

  • Deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS traces

    When producing optimal routes through an environment, considering the incline of surfaces can be of great benefit in a number of use cases. For instance, incline may be considered when computing the most energy-efficient routes for electric cars and bicycles. Likewise, pedestrians with restricted mobility (such as wheelchair users, parents with pushchairs, and the elderly)…

  • A conceptual model for quality assessment of VGI for the purpose of flood management

    Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has emerged as a potential source of geographic information for different domains. Despite the many advantages associated with it, such information lacks of quality assurance, since it is provided by individuals with different motivations and backgrounds. In response to this, several methods have been proposed to assess the quality of volunteered…

  • Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap

    The increased development of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and its potential role in GIScience studies raises questions about the resulting data quality. Several studies address VGI quality from various perspectives like completeness, positional accuracy, consistency, etc. They mostly have consensus on the heterogeneity of data quality. The problem may be due to the lack of…

  • RIOSCRAM 2016 – ISCRAM Conference in Rio de Janeiro

    Last week Carolin Klonner, Melanie Eckle and Benjamin Herfort attended the 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Rio de Janeiro. The ISCRAM community is globally active and brings together researchers, academics, practitioners as well as policy makers to promote research and development of information systems for crisis management. This…

  • Assessing Data Quality of OSM Buildings and Landuse Revisited :: GIScience Heidelberg contributes to 8th Dresden Land Use Symposium

    On the May 11 and 12, the 8. Dresdener Flächennutzungssymposium (the 8th Symposium of development, monitoring and usages of landuse Dresden) took place in Dresden, Germany. The symposium aims to bring together industry, academy and local government, in order to demonstrate and exchange latest developments in methods, tools and software for the management of landuse…

  • GIScience HD contributes to Int. Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

    GIScience Heidelberg regularily contributes to the ISCRAM conferences. This year we again have four papers dealing with different aspects on crowdsoured geographic information (e.g. OpenStreetMap) in disaster response and management (e.g. OpenFloodRiskMap). Eckle, M., Herfort, B., Alberquerque, J., Leiner, R., Wolff, R., Jacobs, C., Zipf, A. (2016): Leveraging OpenStreetMap to support flood risk management: A…

  • Programme of the ‘Heidelberg Geographic Society’ published — GIScience Contributing

    The topic of the open colloquium series by the Heidelberg Geographic Society (HGG) for this summer semester is “Global Understanding“. The programme has been published here. The first presentation is given by Prof. Alexander Zipf (GIScience Heidelberg). On Monday May 2nd, 19.00 pm he will talk about user generated geoinformation for disaster management. (Location: INF227,…

  • GIScience contributed to workshop “Open Data” in Heidelberg

    Last friday the GIScience Research Group was invited to participate in a follow-up workshop on “Open Data”. Already in December 2015 the GIScience Research Group and the disastermappers heidelberg had been invited to present their work on Open Data in the 10th “Modellierungstag” of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the…

  • 3D Participatory Sensing for Crop Height Assessment

    Participatory Sensing (PS) is a concept which enables laymen to easily gather geodata with standard low-cost mobile devices, offering new and efficient opportunities for agricultural monitoring. The integration of local agricultural knowledge may help to better understand complex phenomena such as the association between climate variability, crop yields and undernutrition. In our new study we…