Tag: routing
What’s New in OpenRouteService
We have recently rolled out new features in OpenRouteService. In this blog post, we give a short overview of the most interesting changes and improvements. Over years we constantly receive a feedback from users via e-mails. Furthermore, starting from this year, it is possible to report about bugs and request new features using github. As…
IJGIS Review for OpenStreetMap in GIScience Book
The International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) published a first review by Wen Lin at Taylor & Francis Online (DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2015.1077965) about our Springer book on OpenStreetMap in GIScience: experiences, research and applications, edited by Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Alexander Zipf, Peter Mooney and Marco Helbich (2015, Springer Series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography,…
OpenRouteService Update to Version 2.2
It has been less than two months since the major update of OpenRouteService. Today we announce the next sound update of the service. In this release, we were mostly concentrated on fixing bugs both on the server and client sides. The full list of changes can be found on github. We summarize some improvements below…
HowTo use OpenRouteService in QGIS
Riccardo has written a short introduction on how to integrate OpenRouteService into the Open Source GIS QGIS at digital-geography. Thanks for this. It is obviously quite easy (even easier than Google as he states) and similar things could be done e.g. with the OpenRouteService geocoder or Accessibility Analysis Service (for calculating Isochrones) etc. While for…
Long-expected major Update on OpenRouteService with many new features in backend and frontend
Our OpenRouteService has some new features and crucial bug fixes to boast. First of all we revamped the backend of the service, and while not only making it faster, more stable and efficient, we added a new profile for heavy vehicles. This includes the sub-profiles forestry, agricultural and delivery vehicles as well as buses and…
Option for wheelchair routing now available within OpenRouteService
We are happy to announce that the first version of the wheelchair routing profile is now available online within OpenRouteService and goes into beta testing phase. Currently, there is a separate version (http://openrouteservice.org/wheelchair-2.1/) for testing that contains this new feature, which currently covers Germany only. However, after beta testing, it will also be available via…
This week extended OpenRouteService Demo @ CeBIT
This week you have the chance to visit a demonstration of our extended and specialized routing services based on OpenRouteService and the IBM Cloud solutions at the international computer fair CeBIT. Please visit our partner Heidelberg Mobil at the IBM booth | hall 2 A10 in the CeBIT “Cloud Area” from March 16. – 20.…
Our edited book “OpenStreetMap in GISciene: Experiences, Research, and Applications” is now Online and orderable.
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to inform you that a book edited by Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Alexander Zipf, Peter Mooney, Marco Helbich entitled “OpenStreetMap in GISciene : Experiences, Research, and Applications” has been eventually published online and also in print format. The book contains 16 chapters on different aspects of OpenStreetMap in GIScience including 1) Data…
Major Update for OpenRouteService Backend
Last few months, we have been working hard on a new backend for OpenRouteService.org. The new implementation is much more flexible and faster than before and supports more sophisticated routing profiles. The services are deployed on a new and more powerful server that makes it possible to update routing graphs based on OpenStreetMap data more…
Joint OpenStreetMap & Wheelmap Mapping Party on the 3rd December!
On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the GIScience group invites interested persons to a joint OpenStreetMap & Wheelmap Mapping Party. This event is part of the EU project CAP4ACCESS. Have you ever considered how you can get from A to B in (not only) Heidelberg using a wheelchair? Which places…
up2date data for ORS: new OSM Data Update Workflow for OpenRouteService
A new tool for processing and updating the street network data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), that is used in OpenRouteService.org (ORS) has been developed and tested over the last months. Now it has been deployed. Therefore the data used in ORS is now up2date again and can be updated more easily in an regular manner than…