Tag: OSM
A Two-Tiered Approach to OSM Data collection for Novice Users & Personalizing Walkability
In addition to the two earlier presentations (No 1, No 2), today there are two additional presentations (No 3 & 4) by GIScience Heidelberg at AGILE 2016 conference in Helsinki: Rousell, A., Hahmann, S., Mobasheri, A. (2016): A Two-Tiered Approach to OSM Data collection for Novice Users. 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Helsinki,…
This Thursday 2nd MissingMaps Mapathon for Sokode/Togo in Heidelberg
As a direct follow_up of the successfull Mapathon in support of Sokode/Togo last week we invite any interested person to an additional MISSING MAPS mapping event THIS THURSDAY June 16th. time: 18.00 – 20:00 p.m. (before the soccer game 😉 location: Berliner Straße 48, PC-Pool/ Hörsaal (Lecture Hall), Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. A short…
Mapping Sokodé – OSM Mapathon as Remote Support to enable local development
This Wednesday June 08 students of the “Citizens as sensors” seminar will organize a mapping event to support local development in Sokodé (Togo) at the Department of Geography Heidelberg University. Thereby they want to add to previously successful mapping events organized by students, the disastermappers HD and GIScience HD in Heidelberg. For many places in…
RIOSCRAM 2016 – ISCRAM Conference in Rio de Janeiro
Last week Carolin Klonner, Melanie Eckle and Benjamin Herfort attended the 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Rio de Janeiro. The ISCRAM community is globally active and brings together researchers, academics, practitioners as well as policy makers to promote research and development of information systems for crisis management. This…
Second field trip to Santiago de Chile / Segundo terreno en Santiago de Chile
A second trip to Santiago de Chile was carried out during the first half of May 2016, in which NEOHAZ team members Carolin Klonner and Tomás Usón were teaching at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) as well as conducting research for the NEOHAZ project related to urban flood risk management. The block module…
OSM Mapathon for Regional Planning in Togo at GIScience HD on June 8th
Save the date: On Wednesday June 08 it’s time again to start a OSM mapping event at the Department of Geography Heidelberg University. We want to continue this semester adding to previously successful mapping events organized by students, the disastermappers HD and GIScience HD in Heidelberg. For many places in the world there are no…
Assessing Data Quality of OSM Buildings and Landuse Revisited :: GIScience Heidelberg contributes to 8th Dresden Land Use Symposium
On the May 11 and 12, the 8. Dresdener Flächennutzungssymposium (the 8th Symposium of development, monitoring and usages of landuse Dresden) took place in Dresden, Germany. The symposium aims to bring together industry, academy and local government, in order to demonstrate and exchange latest developments in methods, tools and software for the management of landuse…
GIScience HD contributes to Int. Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
GIScience Heidelberg regularily contributes to the ISCRAM conferences. This year we again have four papers dealing with different aspects on crowdsoured geographic information (e.g. OpenStreetMap) in disaster response and management (e.g. OpenFloodRiskMap). Eckle, M., Herfort, B., Alberquerque, J., Leiner, R., Wolff, R., Jacobs, C., Zipf, A. (2016): Leveraging OpenStreetMap to support flood risk management: A…
Mapping Event to support relief efforts in Ecuador
Last Thursday students and researchers of the GIScience group and the Geographical Institute, members of the OSM community and Open Data supporters gathered to support the Ecuador activation of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). In response to the severe earthquake last Saturday, the HOT team had launched several mapping projects to enable the creation of…
Programme of the ‘Heidelberg Geographic Society’ published — GIScience Contributing
The topic of the open colloquium series by the Heidelberg Geographic Society (HGG) for this summer semester is “Global Understanding“. The programme has been published here. The first presentation is given by Prof. Alexander Zipf (GIScience Heidelberg). On Monday May 2nd, 19.00 pm he will talk about user generated geoinformation for disaster management. (Location: INF227,…
GIScience contributed to workshop “Open Data” in Heidelberg
Last friday the GIScience Research Group was invited to participate in a follow-up workshop on “Open Data”. Already in December 2015 the GIScience Research Group and the disastermappers heidelberg had been invited to present their work on Open Data in the 10th “Modellierungstag” of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the…