Tag: OSM
Openrouteservice Developers Dashboard Revamped
Over the past few months the openrouteservice team has worked on a new developers dashboard in order to make the registration and usage of the API more easy and accessible. Now the developers using the openrouteservice API will experience a more intuitive, responsive interface and with a more polished better look and feel to view…
State of the Map 2019 is coming to Heidelberg
Maps, maps, maps! After a great state of the map conference in Milan, the OpenStreetMap community can already get excited for the next global gathering in 2019: We are very honored to have been selected to welcome the global OSM community in Heidelberg in 2019! The good news have been shared during the closing ceremony…
Meet us at State of the Map 2018 Milan: Ohsome talks and workshop ahead!
In a few days – THIS Saturday July, 29. – the State of the Map 2018 Conference in Milan will opening its doors with many interesting talks and workshops related to OpenStreetMap. HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University will be there with several persons and give the following presentations and even a…
EU Sentinel 2 osmlanduse.org fusion @ Toulouse Space show
Another chapter in machine human fusion land use device narrative: new Sentinel 2 osmlanduse.org product results based on OpenStreetMap plus Sentinel 2 data plus Machine Learning were presented at ToulouseSpaceShow 2018 during a European Space Agency (ESA) Research and User Support (RUS) event. Stay tuned: The new product will soon be available for all EU…
AGIT30 was ohsome (and awesome)
Members of the HeiGIT team were presenting parts of our work at this years AGIT/GI_Forum conference in Salzburg, Austria (as already announced in a previous blogpost). Julian Bruns was presenting the results of a joint work with the KIT and his old employer, the FZI, which is published in the GI-Forum journal (English conference running in parallel to the…
A new infrastructure for exploring and analyzing OpenStreetMap
Ever wondered how you can generate/use some meta-information about OpenStreetMap for your project? Are you interested in visualizing different aspects of OpenStreetMap data? In the article below, we present a server infrastructure to collect and process data about different aspects of OpenStreetMap. The resulting data are offered publicly in a common container format, which fosters…
1 Million ways to download OpenStreetMap data workshop
OpenStreetMap has become a huge source for any kind of geographic information. In OpenStreetMap you now find not only street information, but also information related to buildings, shops, sights and in Heidelberg even to individual trees. Furthermore, OpenStreetMap data is open data – everyone is free to edit and to download the data to create own…
Meet us at AGIT30
Meet us in Salzburg at the AGIT30 conference and get to know the ohsome platform, that has been introduced recently! Our colleague Fabian Kowatsch will give a talk on Thursday, July 5th: M. Auer, M. Eckle, S. Fendrich, F. Kowatsch, L. Loos, S. Marx, M. Raifert, M. Schott, R. Troilo, A. Zipf. Ohsome – eine…
GIScience Group Successful at the AGILE
The GIScience group attended the AGILE 2018 conference to present about a diversity of topics. More participants than ever have attended the conference in Lund, Sweden (12–15 June 2018). They discussed scientific topics related to the general theme of the conference, Geospatial Technologies for All. The following short papers have been presented and been published…
Today VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018 Lund, Sweden
If you are in Lund, Sweden today you might consider joining our VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE Conference 2018. The latest programme can be found here. It includes keynotes by Andrea Ballatore and Stefano Dea Sabata and a range of interesting contributions, including Enhancing Crowdsourced Classification on Human Settlements Utilizing Logistic Regression Aggregation and Intrinsic Context…
HeiGIT/GIScience @ISCRAM 2018 Rochester- Exchange of latest crisis management practice and innovative ideas near a natural wonder of the world
Rochester NY, a small city located at Lake Ontario, became a gathering place for the international ISCRAM community last week. Researchers and practitioners from over 20 countries presented their latest work, ideas and needs related to crisis management at the 15th ISCRAM conference. Crisis and humanitarian management being one of the main focuses of the…