Tag: OpenStreetMap Element Vectorsiation

  • OEV: Quantifying differences between imports (3/4)

    After introducing the OSM Element Vectorisation Tool last week, we now want to show possible use cases and specific examples of what the tool can do. This second of three use cases (see use case 1) compares the data in the regions of Maribor, Slovenia and Ngaoundéré, Cameroon. Both regions are exceptionally well covered with land-use and land-cover information in OSM.…

  • OEV: Analysing attributes of remarkable elements (2/4)

    After introducing the OSM Element Vectorisation Tool earlier this week, we now want to show possible use cases and specific examples of what the tool can do. This first of three use cases takes a closer look at the data in the region of Heidelberg, Germany. We will use the concept of archetypes to identify…