Tag: openrouteservice

  • New OpenRouteService API playground

    After the release of the new OpenRouteService dashboard the team has worked on a new interactive API documentation application named API Playground , that allows the users to explore all the OpenRouteService API services, parameters and responses in an intuitive and easy way. It is possible run requests, see the response in a map, table…

  • Over 50 Open Source GIScience Repositories on GitHub

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) are happy to share the their GIScience github repository contains now already over 50 open source repositories and it’s still growing. These contain results from several research projects and in particular also some very active long term activities. Most of the tools…

  • How much do you know about Wheelmap?

    Within the European FP7 project “CAP4Access“, we studied the usage of crowdsourced geographic information (and more specifically OpenStreetMap data) for improving accessibility in selected European regions. This 3 year research study led to several implementations and extensions of Open Source GI solutions with respect to OSM data quality assessment as well as wheelchair routing and…

  • GeOnG Conference 2018: Workshop Materials and Slides

    After the successful GeOnG conference 2018 in chambery we want to thank the organizers and all participants. We contributed in several ways, as already highlighed in our previous blogpost. Now, we also want to share our slides and workshop material with everyone interested. Round table discussion: Machine Learning, AI & satellite imagery: what impact on…

  • Generating Customized Pleasant Pedestrian Routes Based on OpenStreetMap Data

    In a newly published open access paper, we present a system that generates customized pedestrian routes entirely based on data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The system enables users to define to what extent they would like the route to have green areas (e.g., parks, squares, trees), social places (e.g., cafes, restaurants, shops) and quieter streets (i.e.,…

  • Visit Openrouteservice this week at INTERGEO 2018 in Frankfurt at the BKG booth

    We are happy to announce that we are going to be part of INTERGEO 2018 in Frankfurt this week on October 16.-18. This event being the “global hub of the geospatial community” has quite something to offer with hundreds and hundreds of innovative companies showcasing their products and visions. We are joining up with the Federal Agency for Cartography and…

  • openrouteservice elevation goes farther north than ever before

    Last week we have been upgrading the openrouteservice, and with that has come the ability to include elevation information in routing pretty much anywhere on the globe (sorry people on Antarctica, but we don’t have routing for you just yet). So if you want to know the elevation and steepness of your drive from Svalbard…

  • Jupyter Notebook: Combining Twitter Data and OpenRouteService Directions API

    In the case of a disaster fast response is important and life saving. Information on blocked streets is crucial, but a the same time this infornations needs to be considered by routing engines in real-time. However, many routing engines use street network data which is at best updated once a week or even less often.…

  • MeinGrün – project proposal approved (mFund BMVI)

    Informationen und Navigation zu urbanen Grünflächen in Städten – meinGrün Neues mFund Kooperations-Projekt meinGrün wird vom BMVI gefoerdert. Problemstellung Um in Städten trotz Wachstum und Nachverdichtung eine hohe Lebensqualität zu sichern, spielen Grünflächen eine essentielle Rolle, da sie sich positiv auf Stadtklima und Biodiversität auswirken und als Orte der Naturerfahrung und Entspannung dienen. Bürgerinnen und…

  • Freiwilligentag 2018 – Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der „Routenplaner-Erfassungsrallye“ der Stadt Heidelberg am 15.09.

    Wie komme ich als Rollstuhlfahrerin oder Rollstuhlfahrer am besten vom Bismarckplatz zum Rathaus? Welche Wege ohne Hindernisse können Eltern mit Kinderwagen nutzen? Helfen soll dabei ein neuer Routenplaner der Stadt Heidelberg. Der Routenplaner basiert auf dem OpenRouteService der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg und wurde in einem gemeinsamen vom Ministerium für Inneres, Digitalisierung und Migration Baden-Württemberg geförderten Projekt um…

  • Openrouteservice Developers Dashboard Revamped

    Over the past few months the openrouteservice team has worked on a new developers dashboard in order to make the registration and usage of the API more easy and accessible. Now the developers using the openrouteservice API will experience a more intuitive, responsive interface and with a more polished better look and feel to view…

  • New Jupyter Notebook: Analysis of Access to Health Care using OpenRouteService Isochrones API

    We published a new jupyter notebook which depicts how to use the OpenRouteService Isochrones API to analyse health care acessibility in Madagascar. In the case of a disaster (natural or man made), a country is not only affected by the intensity of the disaster but also by it’s own vulnerability to it. Countries have different…