Tag: openrouteservice

  • Derivation of an OSM graph with TMC LCL traffic information to provide real time traffic services

    Increasing traffic, especially in urban areas, leads to more and more infrastructural bottlenecks and congestion inside transportation networks. The aim is therefore to use existing transport networks as efficiently as possible. Current traffic and incident reports from the Traffic Message Channel (TMC) are an important source of information to provide further services in the context…

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Backend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new backend for OpenRouteService.org. The new implementation is much more flexible and faster than before and supports more sophisticated routing profiles. The services are deployed on a new and more powerful server that makes it possible to update routing graphs based on OpenStreetMap data more…

  • GIScience group participated in Open Data Day Mannheim

    Last Saturday (21/2) the GIScience group Heidelberg was part of the International Open Data Day. Open data enthusiasts all over the world teamed up to create new applications derived from open (not only governmental) data. The local open data day in Mannheim has seen 7 finished projects including Wikipedia edit wars analyses, public transport visualisations,…

  • GIScience HD @ CEBIT 2015: Specialized Routing Services with IBM and HDM-I

    Tour-Optimization in the Cloud in cooperation with IBM and Heidelberg Mobil International HDM-I the GIScience Research Group of Heidelberg University presents new approaches and solutions for specialized tour-optimization based on free and open geodata from OpenStreetMap and Cloud-based services in the in the “Cloud Area” at the CEBIT computer fair. These services enable software developers…

  • Successful PhD Defense of Pascal Neis

    On Tuesday, 17th of June, our former group member Pascal Neis successfully defended his PhD thesis! The subject of his PhD was about investigating the quality of OpenStreetMap contributions. Pascal’s PhD comprises eight journal papers. In addition he also published many conference contributions. Furthermore, he developed the first version of OpenRouteService (ORS), which was the…

  • Hiwi/Praktikum WebEntwicklung OpenRouteService

    Am Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg suchen wir derzeitmögl. kurzfristig eine wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft oder PraktikantIn für die Web-Frontend-Entwicklung im Rahmen des OpenRouteService (www.openrouteservice.org) Projekts. Siehe Stellenbeschreibung im Anhang. Bei Interesse bitte melden, gerne auch weiterleiten. Du studierst Geographie, Informatik oder eine ähnlichen Studienrichtung und möchtest deine Kenntnisse in der Geoinformatik vertiefen? Du hast schon…

  • up2date data for ORS: new OSM Data Update Workflow for OpenRouteService

    A new tool for processing and updating the street network data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), that is used in OpenRouteService.org (ORS) has been developed and tested over the last months. Now it has been deployed. Therefore the data used in ORS is now up2date again and can be updated more easily in an regular manner than…

  • Open Data Opportunities for LBS

    The advent of web technologies and the promotion of data sharing practices have fostered open data initiatives. The main motivation of governments in sharing data with the public is to stimulate economic growth by enabling the creation of new products. One of the areas that could benefit from open data initiatives is that of location-based…

  • Polish Version of OpenRouteService is available

    Thanks to the help of the OpenRouteService user community we can offer a new version of OpenRouteService including Polish Web site as well as route instructions. A wide range of languages for route instructions is already available and you can add even more. You can change the settings on the “options” page. Thanks to Carina…

  • New version of OpenRouteService Web-GUI online

    The beta-version of the new WebGUI for OpenRouteService has been updated. It has now all the major functions of the old version, with some improvements in usability. The default version offers only the most important basic functions, while additional functions are available when the extended version is being selected. These choices can be made from…

  • OSM Labyrinth solved through??

    A Labyrinth mapped in OpenStreetMap, solved using … ;-).