Tag: openrouteservice
GIScience Research Group Heidelberg becomes Member of the Missing Maps Project
The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University is happy to announce their official membership in the Missing Maps Project. The objective of the Missing Maps Project is to map the most vulnerable places in the developing world, in order that international and local NGOs and individuals can use the maps and data to better respond…
Accessible route planning and #MapMyDay presented at Bürgerfest Heidelberg
Last Sunday (10th January 2016), we actively participated in the “Bürgerfest Heidelberg” (citizen festival of Heidelberg), which this year took place in the area of the Campbell Barracks (former US barracks), which have been opened to the public recently. The festival had ~12.000 visitors. Quite a lot of them also found their way to the…
OpenRouteService used by Brandenburg Business Guide
OSM based OpenRouteService.org by GIScience Heidelberg is beeing used for calculating travel times to different locations simultaneously (star routing) in the official web portal of the Brandenburg Business Guide by the Ministry of Economics and Energy of the German state Brandenburg.
OpenRouteService.org Update with full Coverage for Eurasia, Africa and Australia
Just before Christmas OSM-based OpenRouteService.org has seen some significant enhancements and new features, in particular live traffic data for Germany, improved route profiles, new leaflet client with height profiles for bike routing, a beta wheelchair profile and more. See Details: http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/12/22/new-openrouteservice-now-with-live-traffic-data-improved-route-profiles-new-leaflet-client-and-more Since then some further updates, improvements and bug fixes have been made by the…
New OpenRouteService now with live traffic data, improved route profiles, new Leaflet client and more!
Today we want to introduce several new features in OpenRouteService: OpenRouteService.org now offers live traffic information in Germany provided by the The Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). Every 5 minutes the traffic information is updated and refreshed on the map. Every segment containing a traffic information is colored and has clickable icons with more information.…
ruprecht reports about CAP4Access activities
“ruprecht”, the Heidelberg University’s student newspaper (~10.000 copies), reports about CAP4Access activities in its current issue (page 11, in German). We hope that some of the readers get interested in MapMyDay.org and OpenStreetMap.org and perhaps become new active contributors, which in the long run would also be beneficial for the wheelchair profile on OpenRouteService.org. Enjoy…
Scientific Computing and Open Data, 10th Modelling Day Heidelberg
Tomorrow on Dezember 3rd 2015 the “10th Modelling Day” will take place in the “Print Media Academy” in Heidelberg. Start is at 14:00pm. This years overarching topic is “Open Data”. There will be three contributions related to GIScience Heidelberg: – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf will talk about “Challenges and Potential of Open Geodata for Geographic…
Support für Wheelmap – #MapMyDay
Unser CAP4Access Projektpartner, der Berliner Verein Sozialhelden e.V., entwickelt seit mehreren Jahren die online frei verfügbare „Wheelmap.org“. Diese Karte basiert auf der OpenStreetMap und wird von Freiwilligen erstellt, die Informationen über die Barrierefreiheit von Orten, die sie schon selbst besucht haben, eintragen. Die Wheelmap enthält die Ziele, die barrierefrei erreicht werden können, unser OpenRouteService Wheelchair…