Tag: openrouteservice
Introducing LABS.OpenRouteService.org with Open Space Routing and the Places POI search API
Some of the results from our research are transformed into stable and professionally managed services, that are used by the wider public. A prominent example is OpenRouteService.org. Since it’s introduction in early 2008 it has been transformed now to a rigorously tested rich API that is hosted on a cloud system and that can be…
New QGIS-PlugIn for OSM-Routing and Accessibility Analysis using OpenRouteService
Recently a new “OSM Tools Plugin” for QGIS had been developed by Nils Nolde. It replaces the original OSMroute plugin for QGIS by Riccardo Klinger, which is now deprecated, as he unfortunately lacks the time to maintain it. Thanks a lot to Riccardo and Nils for their wonderful efforts and contributions so far! The new “OSM…
New Disaster OpenRouteService for Africa, South America and Indonesia released, supporting humanitarian logistics with OSM more sustainably
Recently HeiGIT @ GIScience Heidelberg released a dedicated stable disaster version of OpenRouteService (ORS) to support humanitarian logistics within specific regions of catastrophes with data from OSM in a more sustainable way. Since his start in 2008 OpenRouteServivce had been spontaneously applied for specific real world disaster cases already numerous times, for instance during the earthquakes in…
Job Offer: Software Developer Backend Geoinformation Technology Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT)
Stellenausschreibung Software Developer Backend Geoinformation Technology Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) Zur Förderung von Technologietransfer und angewandter Forschung im Bereich Geoinformatik wird derzeit mit Grundförderung der Klaus-Tschira Stiftung das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) aufgebaut. http://www.heigit.org. Dies soll zukünftig als An-Institut weitergeführt werden. Hierfür wird ein Software Engineer Backend Geoinformation Technology gesucht (100%).…
Overview Article on Online Participation in Geoinformation Technology, esp. OpenStreetMap
An invited introductive overview article on “Online Participation in Geoinformation Technology” with a specific focus on OpenStreetMap has been published in the special issue “Online Participation” of the German language journal “Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik”. It gives some introduction and selected examples of potential usages of OSM data. Griesbaum, L., Eckle, M., Herfort, B., Raifer, M.,…
Interview on Crowdsourcing for Optimized Cycle Routes
On the occasion of the international Bike2Work Day the radio Berlin Brandenburg (RBB) conducted a short interview with Prof. Alexander Zipf (GIScience HD/ HeiGIT). It was about current research and development work at the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT, which involve the use of user-generated geodata for investigations between cycling behaviour and health, as well as…
Bike2Work Week: Let OpenRouteService help to find nice routes.
It is #Bike2Work Week ! (*) Time to think about some more nice bicycle tours in BikeMonthMay (any beyond 😉 OpenRouteService.org does assist you with a set of nice options for different types of bicyclist, such as Safest Tour, Touring Bike, Mountain Bike or Road Bike. This includes also an E-Bicycle profile which especially comes in handy…
OpenRouteService with new API, functions and look
We would like to introduce you to a brand new API of OpenRouteService.org and a revamped route planner with many more features than before. With this major release we have removed XML and introduced a (much) longed for JSON support. You will notice some drastic optimisation in response times and you now have the advantage…
Open Data Meeting of AG Open Government Städtetag Baden-Württemberg
today the interdisciplinary working group “Open Government” of “Städtetag Baden-Württemberg” meets in Heidelberg for a workshop on Open Data. Among the invited speakers are for example – Michael Winckler, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen Uni Heidelberg (IWR) talking about “Open Data aus Sicht einer Forschungseinrichtung” – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, GIScience Heidelberg / HeiGIT), with…
GIScience at FOSSGIS conference
Last week, the German FOSSGIS conference about Free and Open Source GIS software was held in Passau. GIScience was also there with a small delegation, presenting some of our current research topics, from routing, to data analysis and machine learning. The talks (in German language) are already available on youtube, for example: Routenplanung durch Flächen…