Tag: Open Source
Major HELIOS++ Release: v2.0.0
We are happy to release a new major version of HELIOS++: https://github.com/3dgeo-heidelberg/helios/releases What’s new in this release? Installation The new way to install HELIOS++ is via the conda or mamba package managers. We recommend mamba or micromamba. After creating a dedicated Python environment for your HELIOS++ project and activating it, run: mamba install helios or…
DFG Software Grant
Successful proposal: Fostering a community-driven and sustainable HELIOS++ scientific software The 3DGeo Group and the Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University have been successful with their proposal in the DFG call “Research Software – Quality assured and re-usable”, together with two other project proposals at Heidelberg University (see press release). The main objective of…
🦇 Halloween release of HELIOS++, v1.3.0
We proudly present our Halloween release of HELIOS++, Version 1.3.0: https://github.com/3dgeo-heidelberg/helios/releases What’s new in this release? HELIOS++ now supports LiDAR simulation of dynamic scenes. We can now simulate laser scanning of scenes that change during the simulation. This is done by introducing rigid motions, which are defined with XML syntax in the scene XML file.…
Improved Performance of HELIOS++ using High Performance Computing Techniques
The software HELIOS++ simulates the laser scanning of a given virtual scene that can be composed of different spatial primitives and 3D meshes with distinct granularity. The high computational cost of this type of simulation software demands efficient computational solutions. Classical solutions based on GPU are not well suited when irregular geometries compose the scene…
Human-in-the-loop development of spatially adaptive ground point filtering pipelines — An archaeological case study
LiDAR data have become indispensable for research in archaeology and a variety of other topographic applications. To derive products (e.g. digital terrain or feature models, individual trees, buildings), the 3D LiDAR points representing the desired objects of interest within the acquired and georeferenced point cloud need to be identified. This process is known as classification,…
Praktikum Scientific Software Development
Die 3DGeo Forschungsgruppe (https://uni-heidelberg.de/3dgeo) der Abteilung Geoinformatik an der Universität Heidelberg sucht eine qualifizierte und motivierte Person fĂĽr ein Praktikum als Scientific Software Developer*in (w/m/d) fĂĽr einen Zeitraum von 3 bis 6 Monaten als stud./wiss. Hilfskraft. Im Anschluss besteht generell die Möglichkeit der Verlängerung oder die Bewerbung auf eine Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d). Die 3DGeo-Forschung…
EinfĂĽhrung in die Laserscanning-Simulationssoftware HELIOS++ bei der FOSSGIS Konferenz 2022
Vom 9. bis zum 12. März 2022 findet die jährliche FOSSGIS Konferenz statt, die fĂĽhrende Konferenz fĂĽr Freie und Open Source Software fĂĽr Geoinformationssysteme und Open Data im deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Themenbereich 3D und LiDAR wird die 3DGeo Gruppe mit Beiträgen zur Open Source Software HELIOS++ vertreten sein, die der Simulation von Laserscanning dient. Am Freitag,…
A basic guide to OSM data filtering
Working with OpenStreetMap data is an exciting topic that often reveals astonishing insights. The free and open nature of the project allows a plethora of analyses topics. We at HeiGIT often concentrate on global quantitative analyses and visualisations powered by the ohsome framework. But our tools also enable you to gain more detailed, multifaceted or…
Job Offer: Senior Science Manager — Innovation & Research Manager GIScience (m, f, d), 100%, permanent
Du willst Deine Management- und Forschungsexpertise zum Wohle der Gesellschaft und Umwelt einsetzen? Du willst HeiGIT dabei unterstĂĽtzen die VerfĂĽgbarkeit und Qualität von Geodaten zu verbessern und Geoinformatik-Methoden weiterzuentwickeln, die fĂĽr offene, gemeinnĂĽtzige Anwendungen im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, Mobilität und humanitäre Hilfe eingesetzt werden? Das ist unsere Mission! Die HeiGIT gGmbH ist ein forschungsorientiertes, gemeinnĂĽtziges Start-up…
Job Offer: “Lead: Geo Machine Learning for Good” Senior Spatial Data Science Expert (m, f, d) 100% permanent, HeiGIT gGmbH
Job advertisement HeiGIT gGmbH Do you want to use your machine learning expertise for the benefit of society and the environment? Do you want to improve the availability and quality of geospatial data and further develop geoinformatics methods used for open, non-profit applications in the field of sustainability, mobility and humanitarian aid? That’s our mission…
How to become ohsome part 9 – More ways to access the ohsome API
At long last, welcome back to a new blog post of the “How to become ohsome“-series. As it’s been quite a while since you got an introduction to how to access the ohsome API, we would like to pick up this topic one more time this month. The former post with different ways to access the ohsome API…
Open Data + Open Software – A perfect match
On 1st March 2021, the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (SwissTopo) released all official geodata according to the principles of “Open Government Data (OGD)”. With this step, Swisstopo is making large volumes of high quality geodata freely accessible. We are most excited about the 3D data, which includes digital surface models, digital terrain models and…