Tag: ohsome

  • How to become ohsome part 5: Measuring numbers of users editing different OSM features

    Besides dealing with a snake, making quality assessments, or generating comparable statistics, one needs to know how to handle the whole functionality provided by the ohsome API to really become ohsome. And to achieve exactly that, this blog presents the last missing entry point to the API from the current toolkit, namely the /users resource. With its help you can receive aggregated…

  • OSHDB: a framework for spatio-temporal analysis of OpenStreetMap history data

    Earlier we published several blogposts introducing the ohsome platform and its parts (e.g. the ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog) and its backbone the OSHDB (very recently version 0.5 was published). A recent open access journal article gives even more background to the system, as shown below: Raifer, M,…

  • GIScience / HeiGIT at ICT for Development, Kampala – Usage and Analyses of OpenStreetMap for Development

    The 11th Information Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) Conference brings together hundreds of public, private and civil society organizations, eager to share practical insights on applying digital technology to development, humanitarian, and conservation challenges. Participants share how they are using innovations in information and communications technology to increase impact in addressing humanitarian and development challenges.…

  • OpenStreetMap History Database – version 0.5

    The OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) is what powers most of the functionality of HeiGIT’s ohsome platform. The ohsome API for example, which was often showcased here in the blog, is built on top of the OSHDB. Just recently, an open access software article about the OSHDB was published. Check it out to find out more…

  • How to become ohsome part 4: handling a snake in a notebook on another planet

    Welcome back to a new episode of how to become ohsome. Yes, you’ve read the heading correctly. We are really talking about a snake in a notebook on another planet. If you are familiar with one of the most used programming languages in the GIS world, you might already know by now which snake is…

  • Preview: Spatial Joins using the OpenStreetMap History Database OSHDB

    Max is two and loves spending Monday afternoons with his Dad at the playground. Finding a suitable playground however isn’t easy, since a few criteria must be met: there should be a bench and some trees nearby to get shelter from the sun and an ice cream shop within the neighbourhood. Using the new spatial…

  • Global analyses are ohsome

    We, the Big Spatial Data Analytics Group at HeiGIT have ohsome news to share: From now on, you can send your requests to our global ohsome API instance. So far, we’ve had a public instance for Nepal and Germany, but now you can analyse OSM’s history globally. Additionally to the API, we also have a global dashboard instance. You choose any…

  • Plausible Parrots – HeiGIT’s OSHDB Supports Research in Citizen Science Data Quality

    In the GIScience research group at Heidelberg University, a recent PhD research project by Clemens Jacobs has been looking into the data quality of citizen science observations of organisms. This research aims at using geographic context as an information source for estimating the plausibility of an observation, e.g., of a bird, which was reported to…

  • HeiGIT and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team at the Geospatial World Forum 2019 in Amsterdam

    Beginning of April, Amsterdam will become the gathering place for the global geospatial community. The Geospatial World Forum is organized for the 11th time and builds on previous successes that made it a leading event in sense of innovation, thematic focus and community engagement. The forum will enable geospatial professionals and leaders from public and…

  • OpenStreetMap history explorer – ohsomeHeX published

    The exploration of the history of OpenStreetMap data presents an important step to uncover semantic connections, regions of interest and their contiguity in time and space at varying scales. Therefore, the HeiGIT Big Spatial Data Analytics team presents a first beta version of the new OpenStreetMap History eXplorer (ohsomeHeX). It resembles the idea of the OSMatrix¹,…

  • How to become ohsome part 3: Identifying different mapping schemes

    This is your first blog of the ohsome series? Before you might be confronted with any potential spoilers, you should better check out the first and the second part of this blog series (or the intro to the idea and general architecture) to be on the safe side and up to date with the current content. So…

  • HeiGIT and German Red Cross representation at DLR Humanitarian Technology Days 2019

    Last week, Michael Schultz (GIScience Research Group) attended the Humanitarian Technology Days 2019 that was organized by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) as a representative of the GIScience Research Group/ HeiGIT and of our collaboration with German Red Cross. For two days, around 80 scientists, humanitarian actors and funding…