Tag: disaster
Impressions from Friday’s Mapping Brunch
Our second Map-a-thon in support of the HOT activation for the Philippines was held on Friday. In a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, ~30 mappers attended the event. The department provided ample amounts of food and refreshments, many thanks to Svend and the Fachschaft for organizing/providing the cutlery, cooking plate and other equipment. A general introduction…
Disaster Mapping for the Philippines – continued: Munch in HD @ Friday!
Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage nach einer schnellen Wiederholung des Mapping-Events vom vergangenen Donnerstag laden die Disaster Mappers Heidelberg am kommenden Freitag, 22.11.2013, um 11:00 zum Mapping Brunch (=”Munch”) in den Großen Hörsaal der Berliner Straße 48 ein. Wir werden aktuelle relevante Gebiete auf den Philippinen kartieren. Gleichzeitig habt Ihr die Gelegenheit, an einem Mapping-Experiment teilzunehmen:…
WebMapping for Disaster Relief after Typhoon Yolanda
In order to support the disaster management activities after the typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan a new WebSite http://crisismap.geog.uni-heidelberg.de/ has been set up by GIScience Heidelberg that visualizes the new map layers described earlier: the “Elements at Risk” and “Population Distribution” for the Philipines. Further it adds a currently less populated Flickr layer and a storm surge layer…
Uni Heidelberg “OSM Mapathon” for Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan: Thursday afternoon, November 14th 2013
UPDATE: First Impressions from the Mapathon Thursday 14th can be found here. UPDATE2: An additional Mapathon will take place on Friday 22nd 2013 in the lecture hall of the Department of Geography, Berliner Str. 48, Heidelberg University. In order to to support the crisis mappers with better geographic information and maps for the regions affected…
OSM Response to Typhoon Haiyan
An new interactive visualization by our colleague Pascal Neis shows the latest changes to the OpenStreetMap database in the Philippines. This can help to identify areas where the OSM crisis mapper community is already activen and those where further contibutions are needed. Only OSM changesets in the Philippines and some parts of the Vietnam coast…
Aktuelles Programm Fachtagung: Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement
Das Programm für die Fachtagung “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” am 17.10.2013 wurde aktualisiert und ist nun online verfügbar. Erfreulicherweise konnten zahlreiche hochkarätige Referenten gewonnen werden, so dass ein spannender Austausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis zu erwarten ist. Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihre Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung im Studio Villa…
Call for Particiption: Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Disaster Prevention and Flood Risk Management” Heidelberg, 17.10.2013
Call for Participation: Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Disaster Prevention and Flood Risk Management” Heidelberg, 17.10.2013 The summer 2013 floods which hit areas in parts of Germany and adjacent countries devastated large areas and caused a huge amount of economic losses. Against the backdrop of this “centennial flood” this conference deals with the…
Updated Programme for Conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement”
The draft programme and list of presentations for the conference “Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement” has been updated. A very promising list of experts in Disaster Response, CrowdMapping, Social Media, GIScience etc. will gather at Studio Villa Bosch, Heidelberg on 17.10.2013. Further there will be two social events (icebreaker and cool…