Category: Uncategorized

  • ruprecht reports about CAP4Access activities

    “ruprecht”, the Heidelberg University’s student newspaper (~10.000 copies), reports about CAP4Access activities in its current issue (page 11, in German). We hope that some of the readers get interested in and and perhaps become new active contributors, which in the long run would also be beneficial for the wheelchair profile on Enjoy…

  • Geographical prioritization of social network messages in near real-time using sensor data streams: an application to floods

    Social networks have been used to overcome the problem of incomplete official data, and provide a more detailed description of a disaster. However, the filtering of relevant messages on-the-fly remains challenging due to the large amount of misleading, outdated or inaccurate information. Extending earlier work a new paper presented this week at Geoinfo 2015 presents…

  • Being a Polar Researcher

    Mid of October Inga Beck was invited by a local primary school to talk about her research and to give the students an impression about the work of a Polar Researcher. The entire school (around 200 children and 15 teachers) gathered in the assembly hall of the school and listened carefully to the presentation. Beside…

  • Statistical investigation of geo-tagged shipping information

    Inspection and analysis of geo-tagged shipping information could provide insights to the transformation of a variety of “global spaces” during times of rapid globalization. One of the famous resources of shipping data is a shipping newspaper called LLOYDS lists. The list contains weekly and later daily information on global shipping since the late seventeenth century…

  • Help Validating 2015 Nepal Earthquake IDP Camp Sites in OpenStreetMap

    GIScience HD member and disastermapper Bennie reports: The 2015 Nepal earthquake that struck Nepal on 25th April with a magnitude of 7.8 destroyed many building completely or in a manner that they can easily be collapsed by aftershocks. Therefore, many people left their homes and slept outside in tent cities and camp sites in open…

  • Editor’s choice – Information fusion infrastructure for remote-sensing and in-situ sensor data to model people dynamics

    Our paper “Information fusion infrastructure for remote-sensing and in-situ sensor data to model people dynamics” by Hillen et al. (2014) has been selected by the editor of the International Journal of Image and Data Fusion to be freely accessible for downloading (editor’s choice). The paper presents a novel concept for an information fusion infrastructure to…

  • Maxim Rylov is Winner of the Cartographic Perspectives 2014 Student Peer-Reviewed Paper Competition

    Our postdoctoral member Maxim Rylov was recently awared the first prize in the 2014 peer-reviewed paper competition of Cartographic Perspectives (Journal of the North American Cartographic Information Society NACIS). The prizewinning paper is entitled “Pairwise Line Labeling of Geographic Boundaries: An Efficient and Practical Algorithm“. The jury praised the paper to be “impressively useful and…

  • Colloquium Talk: Falk Zscheile on legal aspects of GI

    The next talk in our regular colloquium series is quickly approaching. This week Falk Zscheile (Staatsbetrieb Sächsische Informatik Dienste, Dresden) will shed light on the quality of geographic data and information from a rather unconventional perspective: a legal point of view. We invite you to the public talk, which will take place on Thursday, 25th…

  • Report on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) training school

    On the dates of 11 to 15th of May, the European Commission (COST Action TD1202: Mapping and the Citizen Sensor) organized a training school on Human Sensor and Geographic Information Systems for Disaster Risk Management (HSenSIG) hosted by the Institute for Systems Engineering and Computers at University of Coimbra, Portugal. Our colleague, Prof. João Porto Albuquerque was invited…

  • Bachelor thesis about accessibility mapping in Heidelberg castle gardens

    In the scope of the CAP4ACCESS project, we announce a bachelor thesis (PDF, description in German) on the topic of wheelchair accessibility mapping using the example of the Heidelberg castle gardens. The main scientific research question deals with the suitability of VGI data (e.g. OpenStreetMap, Wheelmap) for mapping the accessibility of points and ways for…

  • Launch of a new open access journal: Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards

    We are pleased to announce the launch of a new scientific journal in Geo-informatics domain published by Springer Verlag. Please share this news along with the provided information below within your scientific network. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards A SpringerOpen Journal, ISSN: 2363-7501 Editors-in-Chief Mohamed Bakillah, University of Heidelberg, Germany Steve H. L. Liang,…

  • Colloquium Programme + Additional Talk by Dr Guibo Sun

    The programme of the “anniversary edition” of our regular GI colloquium already got published some weeks from now. However, we are pleased to announce an interesting additional talk that complements our panel. Dr Guibo Sun from the Chinese University of Hong Kong will talk about influences of the built-environment that correlate with aspects of pedestrians…