Category: Uncategorized
Pelagios – Linking Data about the Past through Geography
The second talk of the semester is approaching quickly. We cordially invite you to the colloquium talk, 30.10.14, “Pelagios – Linking Data about the Past through Geography” which will be held by Dr. Rainer Simon, AIT, Vienna and Leif Isaksen and Pau de Soto Canamares, University Southampton. Feel free to find more detailed information under…
Geography BBQ at the beach
Geography Matters! We all know that and in becomes even more obvious when a university has direct beach access which makes it easy to have BBQ directly by the sea. Also the GIScience Heidelberg BBQs are lots of fun in the garden as documented here, but last weekends BBQ of the Department of Geography at…
Hiwi/Praktikum WebEntwicklung OpenRouteService
Am Lehrstuhl für Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg suchen wir derzeitmögl. kurzfristig eine wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft oder PraktikantIn für die Web-Frontend-Entwicklung im Rahmen des OpenRouteService ( Projekts. Siehe Stellenbeschreibung im Anhang. Bei Interesse bitte melden, gerne auch weiterleiten. Du studierst Geographie, Informatik oder eine ähnlichen Studienrichtung und möchtest deine Kenntnisse in der Geoinformatik vertiefen? Du hast schon…
Understanding the potential relationship between the socio-economic variables and contributions to OpenStreetMap
A new research paper titled “Understanding the potential relationship between the socio-economic variables and contributions to OpenStreetMap” has been published in the International Journal of Digital Earth. Abstract: OpenStreetMap (OSM) has seen an exponential increase in the last few years and large volumes of geodata have been received from volunteered individuals. The collected geodata are…
A new edited book on the way
We are pleased to announce that a book edited by Dr. Marco Helbich, Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Dr. Micheal Leitner titled “Computational Approaches for Urban Environments” is about to be released shortly. The edited book will be published by Springer in its “Geotechnologies and the Environment” series, edited by Jay D. Gatrell and Ryan R.…
VGI and Citizen Science Workshop & Invited talk at LabGeo of Florence University, Italy
During 7-11 th of July, Vespucci Initiative organized the workshop “IC1203 COST ENERGIC – VGI and Citizen Science: engaging, creating and understanding“. Having granted an award from European Commission (COST Energic), Amin Mobasheri from GIScience group of Heidelberg University attended the workshop. The week activities were articulated in practical scientific activities where participants actively contributed…
GIScience 4 Cultural Heritage
The GIScience Research Group @ Heidelberg University recently joined the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage HCCH. The HCCH is bundling the existing competencies at Heidelberg University in basic research on cultural legacies of past and present societies . The application of results of disciplinary and interdisciplinary basic research on the analysis, documentation, development, maintenance, museum…
Talk Announcements
We are pleased to announce three upcoming talks. One of them is given by a guest from Melbourne, Australia. The other two talks are held by colleagues from university-internal partner institutions. All talks will be held in English. See more details on each talk below: Talk 1: “Sustainability Research in a World at Risk: The…
Lettering Maps by considering Basemap Detail
If you followed our previous posts (#1, #2) concerning high quality cartographic label placement, then this post is worthy of notice. Topographic maps are arguably one of the most information-dense, yet intuitively usable, graphical artifacts produced by mankind. Cartography as science and practice has developed and collected a wealth of design principles and techniques to…
Official PhD category “Geographic Information Systems” @ Heidelberg University
News for the GIScience PhD students in Heidelberg: the formal examination rules for PhD dissertations at our faculty now officially include the topic “Geographic Information Systems” as one of only four areas of specialization (next to Physical Geography, Human Geography and Regional Science) for PhDs at the Institute of Geography.
CrowdAnalyser Workshop Uni Heidelberg – Spatio-temporal Analysis of User-generated Content
on behalf of the research training group “CrowdAnalyser” at Heidelberg University (, we would like to invite you to participate in our “CrowdAnalyser Workshop 2014”. The objective of this workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners that are interested in exploring knowledge and developing methods, operational frameworks and systems for spatio-temporal data generated from…
Exploiting Big VGI to Improve Routing and Navigation Services
Due to development of communication technologies, the amount of data, which each organization has to deal with, has been rapidly growing. The huge volumes of data appear as an opportunity to improve the performance and reliability of various applications, as such routing and navigation services can be named. However, the analysis of large datasets, commonly…