GIScience 4 Cultural Heritage

The GIScience Research Group @ Heidelberg University recently joined the Heidelberg Center for Cultural Heritage HCCH. The HCCH is bundling the existing competencies at Heidelberg University in basic research on cultural legacies of past and present societies .
The application of results of disciplinary and interdisciplinary basic research on the analysis, documentation, development, maintenance, museum presentation and vivid realization of this cultural heritage is among the essential tasks of the HCCH.
The GIScience Research Group supports with its competencies in Geoinformatics, Historic GIS, Spatiotemporal Analysis, WebGIS, Lidar, Digital Humanities and Digital Archeology to these goals. Related projects of the GIScience Research Group include for example MayaArch3D or Rigeo.Net, Lloyds List or Sutren3D, amongst others.