Category: Teaching

  • Digital teaching prize awarded by Heidelberg University

    In recognition of the high efforts of lecturers in the past summer semester, the rectorate of Heidelberg University awarded prizes for digital teaching. Two of in total six prizes were awarded to lecturers at the Institute of Geography, which shows the positive recognition of the past semester’s endeavors both from the side of students and…

  • HeiKA Autumn school Urban Data Science

    This week 19.-23.10. the autumn school Urban Data Science takes place as a online course set up together by GIScience Heidelberg and the Institute for Transport Studies (IfV), KIT. It is part of an ongoing application for a HeiKA (Heidelberg Karlsruhe Strategic Partnership) project that would foster joint teaching modules between GIScience HD and IfV…

  • E-TRAINEE project: E-learning course on Time Series Analysis in Remote Sensing

    The E-TRAINEE project is a new collaboration project for developing an “E-learning course on Time Series Analysis in Remote Sensing for Understanding Human-Environment Interactions” with Markéta Potůčková (Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography, Charles University Prague) as PI of the project and Heidelberg University, University of Innsbruck and University of Warsaw as project partners. The…

  • Training in Innovative Technologies for Close-range Sensing in Alpine Terrain – 3rd Edition

    The 3rd edition of the international summer school “Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine terrain” took place in Obergurgl, Austria, in June 2019. A group of 40 young researchers (mainly PhD students) participated to learn about various sensors, processing techniques, and analysis methods for different topics in high-mountain research. A recently published article reports on results…

  • Geodata acquisition for physiogeographic analyses at a gravel bar

    As part of the practical field training “Physiogeographische Geodatenerfassung” this week, a group of students acquired the gravel bar and terrace at an oxbow of the old Neckar river near Ilvesheim (49°28’36” N 8°34’34” E) with geophysical and 3D surveying techniques. In small groups, the students learned a different surveying strategy and processing the acquired…

  • Virtual disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathon “Mapping Human Rights” June 30th

    In scope of the disastermappers heidelberg mapathon series “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals”, the next virtual OpenStreetMap mapping event “Mapping Human Rights” will take place on Tuesday, June 30th from 6 pm, in cooperation with Amnesty International Heidelberg. Amnesty International Heidelberg will give us insights into Human Rights and the work of Amnesty International.…

  • Virtual Semester Start Mapathon “Humanitarian help and climate change” by disastermappers Heidelberg

    Dear disastermapping enthusiasts, The disastermappers heidelberg series of events “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals” begins right on time for the start of the upcoming summer semester. With these events the disastermappers raise awareness for the importance of freely available geographical data and their relevance for current social, ecological and economic challenges. In cooperation with many…

  • Climate Talk – Ein Podcast für das Klima

    „Herzlich Willkommen, Freunde der Erde, bei climate talk, dem Podcast eures Vertrauens in Sachen Klima“. So begrüßt Alexandra Gnädig die HörerInnen ihres neuen Podcasts, den sie zusammen mit Anna Reiter aufnimmt. Ein Podcast für das Klima, mit dieser Idee spielen die beiden Geographiestudentinnen aus Heidelberg schon einige Zeit. Jetzt wurde daraus Realität. Inspiriert durch das…

  • Student field trip to Northern England

    From 2nd – 9th March 2020, students of our department took part in an excursion to Northern England. Among the areas visited under the lead of Dr. Jack Williams were the Peak and Lake Districts, the North York Moors National Parks and Durham County. Preliminary seminars provided the students with background knowledge on the topics…

  • Concluding field work in the dunes around Erg Chebbi

    The last days of field work in Erg Chebbi continued at the star dune to wrap up final tasks: filling gaps in the data, adding some dune arms to the ground penetrating radar data, … All data acquisition at the star dune was concluded successfully, although the group was off to a late start. The…

  • Halftime reports from Erg Chebbi

    After three days of hard work in the field, Sunday was halftime workshop at HeidelErg. with diverse topics all around dunes, with and beyond the data collected in ErgChebbi. Manuel Herzog introduced the first results from the geophysical measurements with regards to dune stratification. Ground penetrating radar in combination with Electrical Resistivity Tomography already shows…

  • First results of our multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field

    During the first three days of the field course in Erg Chebi, data collection focussed on the star dune with groups of students applying different techniques of geophysical and topographic surveying. Today, data was checked to plan the remaining three field days. A recap of this intermediate data revision will follow. For today, we’d like…