Category: Software
3D WebGIS: From Visualization to Analysis. An Efficient Browser-Based 3D Line-of-Sight Analysis
3D WebGIS systems have been mentioned in the literature almost since the beginning of the graphical web era in the late 1990s. The potential use of 3D WebGIS is linked to a wide range of scientific and application domains, such as planning, controlling, tracking or simulation in crisis management, military mission planning, urban information systems,…
HeiGIT/GIScience@FOSS4G 2018
FOSS4G 2018 is only 42 days away and we are excited to present our Openrouteservice for Disaster Management there. Furthermore, we will provide insights on the potential of the ohsome platform for the HOT community. Check out the program for further details. We hope to see you in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, August 27 –…
AGIT30 was ohsome (and awesome)
Members of the HeiGIT team were presenting parts of our work at this years AGIT/GI_Forum conference in Salzburg, Austria (as already announced in a previous blogpost). Julian Bruns was presenting the results of a joint work with the KIT and his old employer, the FZI, which is published in the GI-Forum journal (English conference running in parallel to the…
A new infrastructure for exploring and analyzing OpenStreetMap
Ever wondered how you can generate/use some meta-information about OpenStreetMap for your project? Are you interested in visualizing different aspects of OpenStreetMap data? In the article below, we present a server infrastructure to collect and process data about different aspects of OpenStreetMap. The resulting data are offered publicly in a common container format, which fosters…
Introducing the Critical Numbers Tool for the HOT Tasking Manager
We would like to introduce our new little analysis tool Critical Numbers for projects of the HOT Tasking Manager. (You can find this blogpost and the code for the tool at our GitHub repository.) The Critical Numbers webapp is an easy way to visualize how much of a project is mapped and validated – results…
Meet us at AGIT30
Meet us in Salzburg at the AGIT30 conference and get to know the ohsome platform, that has been introduced recently! Our colleague Fabian Kowatsch will give a talk on Thursday, July 5th: M. Auer, M. Eckle, S. Fendrich, F. Kowatsch, L. Loos, S. Marx, M. Raifert, M. Schott, R. Troilo, A. Zipf. Ohsome – eine…
HeiGIT/GIScience @ISCRAM 2018 Rochester- Exchange of latest crisis management practice and innovative ideas near a natural wonder of the world
Rochester NY, a small city located at Lake Ontario, became a gathering place for the international ISCRAM community last week. Researchers and practitioners from over 20 countries presented their latest work, ideas and needs related to crisis management at the 15th ISCRAM conference. Crisis and humanitarian management being one of the main focuses of the…
Ohsome for Street Network Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring
Disaster mapping activations that are supported by many volunteers with various levels of experience raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information. Learning about the data quality that can be expected in a disaster activation helps to evaluate the quality and fitness for purpose of the OSM data. At the ISCRAM…
Enhancing Crowdsourced Classification on Human Settlements Utilizing Logistic Regression Aggregation and Intrinsic Context Factors
Among semi-automated methods and pre-processed data products, crowdsourcing is another tool which can help to collect information on human settlements and complement existing data, yet it’s accuracy is debated. Whereas the potential of crowdsourced datasets for training of machine learning algorithms has been explored recently, only few work has been done towards utilizing machine learning…
The Ohsome API: dynamic OSM statistics for real-world applications
The Ohsome API, developed at HeiGIT, is part of the ohsome OSM history analytics platform (and yes, it is pronounced like the word “awesome” 😉. It serves as the connection between the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB) and possible frontends, such as the Ohsome Nepal Dashboard prototype. The communication with the Ohsome API works via HTTP GET and POST requests as…
Apartment search with Openrouteservice; a new Python notebook example:
As promised we offer some more examples on how to use Openrouteservice for some applications. In this notebook example, we’d like to showcase one way to go about finding an apartment based on OSM data. We’ll using different openrouteservice API’s to help you look for an apartment. Here is the full example with code and…