Category: Services

  • OpenRouteService is going Global – including the Americas

    OpenRouteService (ORS) was the first routing service based on OpenStreetMap in early 2008 that covered whole countries. ORS also introduced international pedestrian and bicycle routing, even before e.g. Google was offering this. Since 2008 OpenRouteService has been constantly available online and over the years it evolved from covering individual states in the beginning, to the…

  • Establishing the “Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology” at Heidelberg University – A new project funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS)

    A major project funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation (KTS) Heidelberg is starting this July. The KTS will support the establishment of the “Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology” ( HeiGIT for short) within the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University. This new project aims at improving knowledge and technology transfer from fundamental research into practice…

  • Let’s go biking – celebrating 200 years of the invention of the bicycle in Mannheim

    please vote for the project of collaboratively visualizing the hidden bicycle in the city plan of Mannheim in order to celebrate the invention of the bicycle 200 years ago in Mannheim. (Deadline June 10th) Wer hat’s erfunden? Monnem! GeoNet.MRN e.V. möchte das im Stadtplan verborgene Radmuster sichtbar machen. Nächstes Jahr feiert die Stadt Mannheim das…

  • OpenRouteService 3.3 is going Mobile – Routing in the Americas, Gradients and more!

    In our latest release we have primarily focused on optimising and stabilising the backend and on adding new elements to provide an improved user experience throughout the OpenRouteService 3.3 based on OpenStreetMap data. After many requests from our community, we for starters can happily announce that we have made the service responsive for your mobile smartphones.…

  • GIScience participates in ESNC-Kick-off Meeting in Heidelberg (Heidelberg Mobil International, Mathematikon this Tuesday)

    ESNC-Kick-off Meeting Satellitennavigation in Baden-Württemberg und Polen am 21. Juni 2016 von 10 bis 12 Uhr in Heidelberg bei Heidelberg Mobil International GmbH, Mathematikon – mittlerer Bauteil, Berliner Str. 41, 69120 Heidelberg More Info and Registration: Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Satellitennavigation ist enorm.* Unsere Infrastruktur ist auf die Helfer aus dem All angewiesen und…

  • A Two-Tiered Approach to OSM Data collection for Novice Users & Personalizing Walkability

    In addition to the two earlier presentations (No 1, No 2), today there are two additional presentations (No 3 & 4) by GIScience Heidelberg at AGILE 2016 conference in Helsinki: Rousell, A., Hahmann, S., Mobasheri, A. (2016): A Two-Tiered Approach to OSM Data collection for Novice Users. 19th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Helsinki,…

  • Revised set of tools published – CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 4, May 2016

    CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 4, May 2016 Revised set of tools published Dear Readers, The project has entered its third and final year at the start of 2016. After a successful project review in mid-February, the revised set of tools has now been made public. All CAP4Access tools deal with accessibility of the built environment and…

  • Report on the 6th PCC meeting of CAP4Access EU project

    The 6th PCC meeting of CAP4Access EU project was held during 21st and 22nd of April in Vienna. Adam Rousell, Stefan Hahmann and Amin Mobasheri attended this meeting from GIScience research group of Heidelberg University. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the progress of deliverables as well as to perform the first experiment…

  • Mapping Event to support relief efforts in Ecuador

    Last Thursday students and researchers of the GIScience group and the Geographical Institute, members of the OSM community and Open Data supporters gathered to support the Ecuador activation of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). In response to the severe earthquake last Saturday, the HOT team had launched several mapping projects to enable the creation of…

  • Reminder: Today OSM Mapathon for Ecuador Disaster at Heidelberg University

    everybody is invited to join our OpenStreetMap Mapathon this evening (Thursday April 21st) at 18pm in the auditorium of the Insitute of Geography Heidelberg University, in the Berliner Straße 48, 69120 Heidelberg. Further information here. Also check our Disaster OpenRouteService for Ecuador at

  • Disaster OpenRouteService for Ecuador Earthquake

    In order to provide emergency and rescue forces in Ecuador with the latest information concerning infrastructural conditions of roads and buildings the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (H.O.T.) as part of the OpenStreetMap Community coordinates the crisis mapping activities for the Ecuador earthquake. As a first support of these activities the GIScience Heidelberg team set up a…

  • GIScience contributed to workshop “Open Data” in Heidelberg

    Last friday the GIScience Research Group was invited to participate in a follow-up workshop on “Open Data”. Already in December 2015 the GIScience Research Group and the disastermappers heidelberg had been invited to present their work on Open Data in the 10th “Modellierungstag” of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the…