Category: Services

  • Ohsome Quality API enhancements for the attribute completeness indicator

    Ohsome Quality API enhancements for the attribute completeness indicator

    Fig. 1: New feature: combining attributes We recently added the attribute completeness indicator to the Ohsome Dashboard, and we’re now happy to introduce major upgrades to its functionalities. The ohsome quality API (OQAPI) and the ohsome dashboard The ohsome quality API was built to provide data quality estimations for OpenStreetMap data. There are currently four…

  • Staying Safe in the Heat: Routing App for Heidelberg

    Staying Safe in the Heat: Routing App for Heidelberg

    As summer temperatures soar, the health risks associated with heat stress become increasingly significant. This issue is particularly pronounced in urban areas such as Heidelberg and other cities, where dense building structures and limited green spaces exacerbate the problem. Vulnerable population groups such as the elderly, children and people with pre-existing conditions are especially susceptible…

  • GeoPrompt – Revolutionizing Navigation and Beyond: HeiGIT’s Innovative Web Application Powered by ChatGPT

    Introduction In an era where technology continuously reshapes our world, the fusion of artificial intelligence and geospatial data offers exciting possibilities. HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology), a pioneering research organization, has unveiled a novel web application that not only simplifies navigation but also empowers users to access a wealth of location-based data. This proof-of-concept…

  • Training on digitalization of participatory mapping in Kuala Lumpur

    Training on digitalization of participatory mapping in Kuala Lumpur

    Featured Image: Training participants simulating a participatory mapping on the ground with the SketchMapTool. Last week, HeiGIT team member Anne Schauß held a workshop session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, during a training of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The international training focused on community resilience and how to assess…

  • How to become ohsome part 15- Analysing Changes in OSM after the Earthquake in Syria and Türkiye in February 2023

    How to become ohsome part 15- Analysing Changes in OSM after the Earthquake in Syria and Türkiye in February 2023

    Featured Map: Percent change in each province of Türkiye  and Syria of buildings in OSM. Data from OpenStreetMap, visualized using QGIS and the ohsome API plugin. Welcome back to the how to become ohsome series! If you’re new to the series, you can check out the previous issues (like this one) or the ohsome Region of…

  • OSHDB Version 1.0 Has Arrived

    Featured Photo: Ohsome dashboard interface for Heidelberg, Germany. In the words of Confucius, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” As we release OSHDB (OpenStreetMap History Database) Version 1.0, we look back at versions 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and all the other small improvements to our historical OpenStreetMap database as the…

  • Time to celebrate! oshdb has reached an object count of >10 billion!

    As of 02.11.2022 we have reached objects 10,107,826,483* in our oshdb. As such, we think it is most definitely time to celebrate! *For information on the background this figure, read our Basic guide to OSM data filtering 😉 This blog post is all about reaching 10 billion objects in OpenStreetMap. For the database to aggregate such…

  • Near realtime OpenStreetMap data and stats: OSHDB and ohsome API are now updated hourly

    We have exciting ohsome news! As many of you know, past OSHDB updates happened weekly and led to a delay between the data in OpenStreetMap (OSM) and our database. Basically, you had to wait up to a week to see changes in OSM reflected in the OSHDB. From this point forward, that lag is a…

  • ohsome Region of the month – Temporal OSM developments in Kyiv

    Welcome back to our ohsome region of the month series! In this post, we’ll take a look at the temporal development of highways and added smoothness-information, as well as social facilities and updates on map development for Kyiv. Before we start, if you’re new to the series, make sure to check out previous installments of…

  • Open Healthcare Access Map Update and HDX

    Last year we started the Open Healthcare Access Map.  Initially, only a few countries and later on continents were featured. Today, we are pleased to announce that we are releasing a number of previously missing countries, achieving global coverage. The Open Healthcare Access Map uses healthcare facilities extracted from OpenStreetMap, the isochrone method from openrouteservice…

  • Aktivierung des Disaster openrouteservice für Überschwemmungen in Pakistan

    In den vergangenen Wochen hat die Monsunflut in Pakistan über 1.000 Tote gefordert und Millionen Menschen ohne Dach über dem Kopf hinterlassen. Da Berichte und Fotos von rapide steigenden Lebensmittelpreisen, Bewohnern, die durch schultertiefes Wasser waten und Satellitenbilder von überfluteten Flüssen das Ausmaß dieser Katastrophe unterstreichen, hat das HeiGIT den Disaster openrouteservice für diese Region…

  • Disaster openrouteservice response to Pakistan flooding

    Over the past weeks, monsoon flooding in Pakistan has left over 1,000 dead and millions without homes. As reports and photos of skyrocketing food prices, residents wading through shoulder-deep water, and satellite images of flooded rivers highlight the magnitude of this catastrophe, HeiGIT has created an activation of the Disaster openrouteservice for that region. Currently, data is…