Category: Research
Preview of 3DGeo @ EGU 2022 – Meet us there
The 3DGeo Research Group will present some of their latest research at EGU General Assembly 2022. We are looking forward to meet you at the following talks: Virtual Laser Scanning using HELIOS++ – Applications in Machine Learning and Forestry: The presentation provides an introduction to VLS, possible use cases, pitfalls and best practices for successful…
New paper on “improving change analysis with full temporal information”
In recently published work, we show how change analysis from near-continuous 3D time series improves by considering full temporal information. How can it be done? Using 4D objects-by-change! The method was applied to an hourly time series of terrestrial laser scans acquired for snow cover monitoring. In the snow-covered scene at the Zugspitze ski resort,…
Where to map in OpenStreetMap next? Experiences from Mozambique, India, and Tonga
OpenStreetMap (OSM) has been intensively used to support humanitarian aid activities, especially in the Global South. Its data availability in the Global South has been greatly improved via recent humanitarian mapping campaigns and due to the efforts of local communities. However, large rural areas are still incompletely mapped. The timely provision of map data is…
Join our final “SocialMedia2Traffic” project presentation on March 22
Navigation services need time dependent information on traffic speed to generate suitable routes and yield accurate travel time estimations. However, this information is not available free of cost globally. Within the recently completed project “SocialMedia2Traffic”, we have developed a system to model traffic speed of urban roads depending on the time of day based on…
GIScience/HeiGIT und DRK gemeinsam im CHAtroom – Im Podcast werden die Zusammenarbeit und das Sketch Map Tool vorgestellt
Anne Tritschler vom Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) spricht im Podcast CHAtroom mit Dr. Carolin Klonner (GIScience) und Dr. Natascha Bing (DRK) über den Einsatz von Geoinformationen in der humanitären Hilfe und welche Rolle dabei Karten, vor allem partizipatives Mapping, spielen. Lokales Wissen ist eine wichtige Informationsquelle, die in der Katastrophenvorsorge immer mehr zum Einsatz…
RAUM & ZEIT: Unter Beobachtung – Umweltmodelle in 4D
Was für Forschung und Ziele stecken denn hinter dieser Abbildung? In einem aktuellen Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Ruperto Carola erläutert Professor Höfle stellvertretend für die gesamte 3DGeo Heidelberg Forschungsgruppe, was Umweltbeobachtung in 4D bedeutet und hebt die Bedeutung von Open Science – Open Source – Open Access hervor: ABSTRACT: Rund um die Uhr beobachten Laserscanner…
ohsome quality analyst (OQT) auf der FOSSGIS Konferenz am 09.03.22
Vom 9. bis zum 12. März 2022 findet die jährliche FOSSGIS Konferenz statt, die führende Konferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und Open Data im deutschsprachigen Raum. HeiGIT wird dabei am 09.03. um 16:30–16:50 Bühne 2 ONLINE mit einem Vortrag vertreten sein zum Thema: “ohsome quality analyst (OQT): Die Qualität von OpenStreetMap…
Einführung in die Laserscanning-Simulationssoftware HELIOS++ bei der FOSSGIS Konferenz 2022
Vom 9. bis zum 12. März 2022 findet die jährliche FOSSGIS Konferenz statt, die führende Konferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und Open Data im deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Themenbereich 3D und LiDAR wird die 3DGeo Gruppe mit Beiträgen zur Open Source Software HELIOS++ vertreten sein, die der Simulation von Laserscanning dient. Am Freitag,…
Last chance for application: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research
Registration for our Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 has been extended until 28 February 2022. If you want to learn innovative practical and methodological skills to characterize complex terrain and object features using close-range and remote sensing techniques – use this chance to apply now! All details regarding learning objectives, keynote speakers, contents…
A basic guide to OSM data filtering
Working with OpenStreetMap data is an exciting topic that often reveals astonishing insights. The free and open nature of the project allows a plethora of analyses topics. We at HeiGIT often concentrate on global quantitative analyses and visualisations powered by the ohsome framework. But our tools also enable you to gain more detailed, multifaceted or…
New Paper: Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification
Check out our new paper presenting a novel approach (correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2) to lower the uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification (get free access here until 2 February 2022) Zahs, V., Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Williams, J.G., Rutzinger, M. & Höfle, B. (2022): Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification. ISPRS…
3DGeo at AGU21 Fall Meeting
The 3DGeo research group is part of the AGU Fall Meeting from 13 – 17 December 2021 with the following topics and contributions: 1) Hypersurface Observation Network (Hyperon) — What it is and why we need it (Monday, 13 December 2021 16:00 – 18:00 CST) In the terrestrial domain, large biogeochemical and energetic uncertainties surround the…