Category: Research
First MayaArch3D Status Workshop in Heidelberg
This Monday and Tuesday the first yearly Status Workshop within the collaborative BMBF Project MayaArch3D “A Web-based 3D-GIS for the Analysis of the Archaeology of Copan, Honduras” has taken place at Heidelberg University with the team members from the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg, the German Archeological Institute (DAI) and the Foundacio Bruno Kessler (FBK). The…
LiDAR Research Group completes multitemporal multisensor data for boosting quality of plant growth models
On 19th of June, a multitemporal data set of agricultural plants was completed by researchers of the Chair of GIScience‘s LiDAR Research Group in the course of the projects Hyland and ESOB. A field of several grain varieties and fertilization quantities in maximum growth stage was captured in 3D using a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS).…
TV Spot about OpenStreetMap
Some weeks ago a TV team recorded a short TV spot at our research group (we reported about that earlier). It was subjected to the OpenStreetMap project and some of its possible applications. Today it has been broadcast on ARD. For those who are interested in, but unfortunately missed it, the spot can be found…
Most Downloaded Article of Journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS)
Our article Boosting the predictive accuracy of urban hedonic house price models through airborne laser scanning by Helbich, Jochem, Mücke and Höfle has reached the top position of the most downloaded papers from the journal Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS).
Invitation to meet with regional cluster GeoNet.MRN
The next meeting of the regional cluster GeoNet.MRN will take place in Heppenheim on 03.07.2013 (14.00h s.t.). Anybody interested in geoinformation is cordially invited – free of charge. Here you find the invitation letter (in German). Let’s come together!
New Press Release: On the Sunny Side
The next issue of the German magazine Business Geomatics will present our research project HedALS in a short press article. The article highlights the results of our research on integrating 3D-GIS based variables derived from LiDAR point clouds into hedonic house price modeling. – Read the article in Business Geomatics 4/2013: p. 19 [in German]…
SUCAP is go!
With all contracts signed, the Strategi urban-area carricature and aggregation project SUCAP is about to start. One of the world’s leaders in automated generalization, Ordnance Survey and the Heidelberg University GIScience Research Group have teamed up to bring some polgyons into shape. The projects goal is to investigate new and efficient ways of automatically generalizing…
Explore Science! How to make your own Map
“Fascinating Earth” is this year’s topic of the Explore Science days. This project of the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation aims at interesting children and pupils for the natural sciences – this year in particular Geosciences. It takes place each year for a week at Luisenpark Mannheim. Prof. Zipf will present on Friday morning (28.06.2013) how anybody – even…
Challenging the difficulties of automated georeferencing in Historic GIS
Here you find an article about Quality control at Orbis Latinus Online (OLO), which provides coordinates to Latin places in the standard reference Orbis Latinus. The system developed in the RIgeo.Net project combines several databases, like OpenStreetMap, Yahoo Maps, the in-house tool GeoTWAIN and especially the Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names, which allow multilingual search…
Historic ship routes in GIS
In our work with historians at Heidelberg University the historic routes of ships are becoming more and more important. The new project on the Lloyds’s List in the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in Context” is dealing with such issues and first work is carried out with the partners in our project. Here…
LiDAR Research Group investigates one of the most impressing caves in Germany
Researchers of the GIScience research group of the Institute of Geography, the Institute of Environmental Physics of the University of Heidelberg and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities acquired a highly accurate 3D topographic point cloud of the Dechenhöhle, which is attached to the Speleology Museum Dechenhöhle Caves. Terrestrial laser scanning and low-cost sensing…
Linux Magazine mentions our new OSM study
A report in the German language Linux Magazine about our latest OSM study (Open Access).