Category: Research

  • Zwei besondere öffentliche Vorlesungen zur Geodatenerfassung

    Liebe Studierende aller Semester und Studiengänge, ich möchte Sie herzlich zu zwei besonderen Veranstaltungen im Rahmen der Vorlesung “Geodatenerfassung” in die Geographie einladen, die Sie sicher interessieren könnten: Montag, 22.01.2018 um 9.15 im gHS (INF 230, COS): Spezialvorlesung: Amtliche Geodaten bei der Stadt Heidelberg: Gewinnung, Nutzung und Vorhaltung. Hubert Zimmerer, Leiter des GIS der Stadt…

  • Deep Learning with Satellite Images and Volunteered Geographic Information

    Recently, deep learning has been widely applied in pattern recognition with satellite images. Deep learning techniques like Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Belief Network have shown outstanding performance in detecting ground objects like buildings and roads, and the learnt deep features are further applied in some prediction tasks like poverty and population mapping. On the…

  • Workshop zu “3D-Geländemethoden in den Geowissenschaften” (15.-16.3.2018 in Heidelberg)

    Die 3D-Initiative in den Geowissenschaften organisiert einen Workshop zu “3D-Geländemethoden in den Geowissenschaften” (14-16. März in Heidelberg) mit speziellem Fokus auf Workflows. Der Workshop wird von der Geoinformatik Heidelberg mitorganisiert. Willkommen sind alle Interessierten an 3D und Geo: ForscherInnen, Studis, PraktikerInnen, usw.. Eine kostenfreie Anmeldung ist aus organisatorischen Gründen zwingend nötig. Weitere Infos finden Sie…

  • Abstract submission to EGU 2018 – 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization (Deadline 10 Jan 2018)

    Short abstract submission for the EGU General Assembly in Vienna 8–13 April 2018 is still open until 10 January 2018 (13:00 CET). We organize a session with special focus on 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization. We would be very happy to receive your research and promote it in this special EGU…

  • Merry Christmas by GIScience Heidelberg

    The GIScience Research Group with the 3D Geospatial Data Processing Group and the team at HeiGIT (Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology) at Heidelberg University do wish a peaceful Christmas time and all the best for a successful and prosperous new year 2018 to all of you!

  • Auto3Dscapes Makes Environmental Monitoring Smarter

    … by acquiring data only when and where changes occur. In this project on Autonomous 3D Earth Observation of Dynamic Landscapes (Auto3Dscapes), a novel strategy of permanent 3D observation will be developed incorporating observed topographic changes as feedback and dynamically adapting the acquisition parameters and analysis methods. Permanent 3D Earth observation is currently challenged by…

  • First State of the Map Tanzania was successful

    The first State of Map Conference in Tanzania was organised by the tanzanian OSM community and the Ramani Huria Team based in Dar es Salaam from 8-10th December. The GIScience Research Group contributed to the program by introducing MapSwipe and organizing an workshop on OpenStreetMap and the use of QGIS. (Photo: @InnocentMaholi) The conference brought…

  • GIScience/HeiGIT support to #Mapthedifference

    GIScience/HeiGIT and disastermappers heidelberg have been proud supporters of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) for a couple of years already. Our GIScience/HeiGIT Team is contributing OSM related research, applications and services. The disastermappers furthermore organize mapathons, workshops and webinars, and thereby help to extend the mapping community and raise awareness about OpenStreetMap (OSM), possible applications…

  • Digital Geoarchaeology: New Techniques for Interdisciplinary Human-Environmental Research

    Digital Geoarchaeology can be regarded as an intersection of disciplines that contributes to the consolidation of different academic perspectives. It represents a novel approach in terms of computer scientific methods combined with geoscientific know-how and archaeological expertise to multi-methodically investigate past human-environmental relationships (Siart et al. 2018). In the new textbook “Digital Geoarchaeology” by Springer,…

  • A novel test on the influence of spatial structure on the variance in local conditions

    Statistical parameters often vary across geographic landscapes. For instance, when the the variance of georeferenced random variables is not stable, this might hint on variegated processes or contextual conditions in different sub-regions. Analysing such heterogeneous areas is challenging because an explicit consideration of this so-called spatial heterogeneity is required. Various approaches exist that take account…

  • New Main Research Group “3D Geospatial Data Processing” at Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR)

    The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg University is a leading institution in research and education in scientific computing in a multitude of interdisciplinary topics – covering science, engineering and humanities. Computational methods are a very important foundation in GIScience / Geoinformatics with particular focus on the investigation of geospatial data and geospatial…

  • Cover Story of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

    Not undercover but on the cover: We were selected as cover story of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Volume 6, Issue 11. In our research on “Historic Low Wall Detection via Topographic Parameter Images Derived from Fine-Resolution DEM“, we apply rapid landscape line detection to extract historic vegetable garden walls based on topographic information…