Category: Research

  • Conceptual compliance analysis with the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB)

    Conceptual compliance measures to what degree contributors of volunteered geographic information (VGI) are using proposed tagging-standards. Here, we look into OpenStreetMap (OSM) as the most well-known example for VGI. In OSM the most important tagging guideline is defined by its wiki. In addtion, OSM editors like iD or JOSM provide presets (default options to adhere to tagging standards).…

  • Auto3Dscapes for 4D Beach Observation

    How does a sandy beach naturally restore after a storm event? Invaluable information on this process is provided by a highly temporal (hourly) time series of 3D point cloud data acquired over several months at the beach of Kijkduin (NL). The permanent LiDAR system is operated by a team of TU Delft researchers in the…

  • Announcement of an Open Research Position

    The GIScience Research Group of the Geographical Institute is delighted to announce an open position as a researcher in the project “Heterogeneity and Convergence in Shared Data Sources. The Importance of cognitive Coherence in Collective Decision Making”. Please find more information below. Announcement of an open position at the Geographical Institute at Heidelberg University/Heidelberg Academy of…

  • Kick-Off Waterproofing Data project in São Paulo, Brazil

    This month we kicked off our new project Waterproofing Data in São Paulo, Brazil together with partners from Warwick University and Brazilian stakeholders such as Cemaden (National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre for Natural Disasters / Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais) or local Universities, City of São Paulo, Fundacao Getulio Varga etc. We…

  • ER3DS Makes Cities Smarter

    ER3DS makes cities smarter by emission reduction using 3D spatial sensing and analysis In the new project on Emission Reduction in Smart Cities Using 3D Spatial Sensing and Analysis (ER3DS) the combination of energy modeling, highly detailed 3D geographic sensing and computation will allow us to reveal a completely new picture of the current energy…

  • A grounding-based ontology of data quality measures

    Data quality and fitness for purpose can be assessed by data quality measures. Existing ontologies of data quality dimensions reflect, among others, which aspects of data quality are assessed and the mechanisms that lead to poor data quality. An understanding of which source of information is used to judge about data quality and fitness for…

  • Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2019 – Registration possible until 30 November 2018

    The deadline for registration for our Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2019 is approaching (deadline: 30 November 2018). If you are PhD or Master student and you want to learn most recent close-range sensing technology from leading experts in an amazing environment and venue, the Ötztal Alps in Austria, you should definitely consider to…

  • Sweet 3D archaeology – Jupiter Column made of chocolate

    The Jupiter Column (“Jupitergigantensäule”) is now available as miniature made of chocolate! The very well-preserved Jupiter Column from the antique LOPODUNUM belongs to the most important archaeological exhibits of the Lobdengau museum. The Jupiter Column is a representative object important for the rich cultural history of Ladenburg, a town with an impressive Roman history. Three…

  • Simulate LiDAR Acquisitions with HELIOS

    Did you ever consider planning and testing your LiDAR campaign in a computer simulation? Would you like a flexible means to generate 3D point cloud data for developing or testing methods? This is easily possible with the laser scanning simulation framework HELIOS (Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator). There have been major new developments since the first…

  • Over 50 Open Source GIScience Repositories on GitHub

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) are happy to share the their GIScience github repository contains now already over 50 open source repositories and it’s still growing. These contain results from several research projects and in particular also some very active long term activities. Most of the tools…

  • How much do you know about Wheelmap?

    Within the European FP7 project “CAP4Access“, we studied the usage of crowdsourced geographic information (and more specifically OpenStreetMap data) for improving accessibility in selected European regions. This 3 year research study led to several implementations and extensions of Open Source GI solutions with respect to OSM data quality assessment as well as wheelchair routing and…

  • GeOnG Conference 2018: Workshop Materials and Slides

    After the successful GeOnG conference 2018 in chambery we want to thank the organizers and all participants. We contributed in several ways, as already highlighed in our previous blogpost. Now, we also want to share our slides and workshop material with everyone interested. Round table discussion: Machine Learning, AI & satellite imagery: what impact on…