Category: Research
5 Years Missing Maps- Achievements and future work and how to visualize the Missing Maps impact using ohsome
Happy Birthday Missing Maps! On the occasion of the recently launched Missing Maps 5 Years Birthday Blog, that also highlighted our latest Missing Maps related HeiGIT and ohsome projects, we put together an overview of our years with and within the Missing Maps. November 2014 the Missing Maps project was launched by the British and…
Becoming ohsome is simple: Adding support of simple feature types to the ohsome API
It’s been a while, since we have published the last blog post about the awesome ohsome platform, but don’t worry, there’s always something happening of course in the spatial analytics team of HeiGIT. So here we are, back on track with enlarging your imagination on what is possible when using our OpenStreetMap history analytics tool.…
SYSSIFOSS project @ 2nd symposium on satellite-based earth observation in Cologne
On November 12-13, Jannika Schäfer from KIT presented the SYSSIFOSS project at the 2nd symposium on satellite-based earth obersvation (2. Symposium zur angewandten Satellitenerdbeoachtung) in Cologne. SYSSIFOSS is a joint project between the Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IFGG) of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the 3DGeo Research Group of Heidelberg University. In…
The Importance of Monitoring Interval for Rockfall Magnitude‐Frequency Estimation
Rockfalls commonly exhibit power law volume-frequency distributions, where fewer large events are observed relative to more numerous small events. Within most inventories, the smallest rockfalls are the most difficult to detect and so may not be adequately represented. A primary challenge occurs when neighboring events within a single monitoring interval are recorded as one, producing…
CfP: “OpenStreetMap as a Multi-Disciplinary Nexus: Perspectives, Practices, and Procedures” Special Issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Following the success of the Academic Track of State of the Map 2019, the track’s scientific committee – Dr. Yair Grinberger, until recently a member of the GIScience research group, Dr. Marco Minghini, Dr. Levente Juhász, Dr. Peter Mooney, and Dr. Godwin Yeboah – is organizing a special issue of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. The…
HeiGIT at International Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action
Next week, November 12-14th, the 7th International Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action is taking place in Berlin. The platform is organized by the German Red Cross (GRC), World Food Program, German Humanitarian Assistance, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Climate Center of Red Cross and Red Crescent and brings…
New DFG project: IdealVGI – Deep Learning with OSM
Recently a new DFG project proposal was accepted to the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg within the DFG priority programme VisVGI (Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualisation and Social Computing” [SPP 1894]). It is joint collaboration project together with Prof. Begüm Demir from TU Berlin. IDEAL-VGI: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives by Learning from…
Winner of the 2019 Climathon Heidelberg
Over the last few days, Heidelberg’s first climathon event took place at EMBL, which was part of the global Climathon. The event ran from 25th-27th October 2019 with a 24 hour hackathon taking place on the 26th-27th. During the 24 hours developers, entrepreneurs, designers and students came together and worked as teams on 5 innovative…
MS Wissenschaft beendet Tour zur Künstlichen Intelligenz – aber weiter geht es im Web – auch mit unserem Exponat zu Trainingsdaten für Satellitenbilder
Gerade beendete die MS Wissenschaft ihre Tour durch 31 Städte zwischen Berlin und Wien in diesem Wissenschaftsjahr zum Thema “Künstliche Intelligenz“. 85.000 Menschen – Schulklassen, Familien und Interessierte aller Altersklassen – besuchten die Ausstellung zum Thema lernende Computersysteme an Bord des Wissenschaftsschiffs. Zu den Besonderheiten der Ausstellung zählten die zahlreiche Dialog- und Mitmachangebote an Bord.…
PermaSAR project concluded with publication of final report
With the publication of the final report, the PermaSAR project is concluded. In the blink of an eye regarding timescales of permafrost monitoring, research within the project period covered diverse methods and analyses around the topic of permafrost and related thaw subsidence in Arctic tundra landscapes. The report (in German) provides all details on the…
Einladung zum Beta Test der meinGrün App
Beim Konsortialtreffen letzte Woche haben wir die erste Beta Version der meinGrün App fertiggestellt. Jetzt benötigen wir Grünflächen-Enthusiasten, die mit uns zusammen die App testen, um sie weiter zu verbessern. Diesen Samstag findet unser erstes Test-Event statt: WO: Volkshochschule Heidelberg in der Cafeteria – Bergheimer Straße 76 WANN: diesen Samstag, 26.10.19 von 10:30 Uhr bis…
Viele Daten- Welcher Nutzen? HeiGIT Workshop mit BBK und DLR bei der Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge 2019
Am 28. und 29. Oktober findet in Berlin die jährliche Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge statt. In diesem Rahmen treffen sich erneut Expertinnen und Experten aus dem (inter) nationalen Katastrophenmanagement um sich zu neuesten Entwicklungen, Ideen und auch Herausforderungen in der Katastrophenvorsorge auszutauschen- zur Umsetzung des Sendai Rahmenwerks in Deutschland. Wie im vorherigen Jahr, wird auch HeiGIT die…