Category: Research
How to become ohsome part 6: Introducing the magical filter parameter
We are back again with a fresh part of the How to become ohsome blog series. In case this 6th part of the series is your first one, or you have not heard from our awesome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics Platform before (short form: ohsome platform), don’t worry. We’ve added some context, as well as…
Einführung in OpenStreetMap und humanitäres Mapping bei der AGIT 2020
HeiGIT unterstützt Workshops zu OpenStreetMap und humanitärem Mapping auf der AGIT 2020 In dieser Woche findet die jährliche AGIT-Konferenz und das parallele GI Forum statt. Während die Konferenz bereits seit mehr als 30 Jahren erfolgreich Vertreter aus Wissenschaft, angewandter Forschung und Wirtschaft nach Salzburg brachte, musste aufgrund der Corona Situation zum ersten Mal auf eine…
Kick off of the 25 Mapathon project
We are proud to announce the successful Kickoff of the 25 Mapathons project. On June, 22th a joint team of HeiGIT and the German Red Cross (GRC) carried out the first mapathon of the 25 Mapathons series. The mapathon was conducted with the local GRC groups from Witten and Lünen, which is part of the…
A Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework Based on Coupled Residual Convolutional Neural Networks
Multi-sensor remote sensing image classification has been considerably improved by deep learning feature extraction and classification networks. In this recent paper, we propose a novel multi-sensor fusion framework (CResNet-AUX) for the fusion of diverse remote sensing data sources. The novelty of this paper is grounded in three important design innovations: A unique adaptation of the…
Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation featured in Heidelberg University Newsroom
No place for climate change: A recent transdisciplinary study on the viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat was featured in the official Heidelberg University Newsroom (English version here). The study has been conducted by a Heidelberg research team led by Dr. Kathrin Foshag and investigated the heat stress in selected urban squares…
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team has been selected by the Audacious Project
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) has announced major financial support from the Audacious Project, which will be provided over the next five years. HOT aims to use this funding to grow OpenStreetMap (OSM) communities in 94 countries. By engaging one million volunteers the goal is to map an area home to one billion people living…
Exploring OSM for healthcare access analysis in Sub-Saharan Africa
[tl;dr] Using hospital locations and the ORS Isochrone service, we have created a method for comparing physical access to healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hospital locations were derived from OpenStreetMap and compared against another free available dataset. Results indicate strong similarity in both hospital datasets, however the uncertainty of our method requires further evaluation. Figure 1…
Going green with MeinGrün – Today App launch in Heidelberg and Dresden
Today the time has come: The “meinGrün” web app for Dresden and Heidelberg is officially launched. With the mobile application you can (re-)discover known and unknown green spaces and find a pleasant route to those. Users can learn about the functions of the app via virtual scavenger hunt. The app is the result of the…
No place for climate change
Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation of urban squares Climate change is not only taking place on distant continents or far into the future, but here and now. In Germany, too, the temperature is rising – and even faster than the global average – and the number of hot days is increasing. Especially in cities,…
Advanced time-dependent routing soon available in Openrouteservice
Update: The demo server has been shut down. The plan is to make time-dependent routing available on the main client and API during Q3 2025. For more information, contact We are thrilled to give you a sneak peak into routing with time-dependent road restrictions, the outcome of our collaboration with GraphHopper GmbH in the research project…
Farmland abandonment in Rio de Janeiro state
Land use change in Brazil is often associated with a loss of natural habitat (Amazon, Cerrado, Pantanal,…) driven by farmland expansion. A current analysis by a team of Brazilian and German researchers (involving HeiGIT member Sven Lautenbach) shows that for Rio de Janeiro state farmland abandonment has been an important process. Approximately 1 million hectares…