Category: Research
E-TRAINEE project: E-learning course on Time Series Analysis in Remote Sensing
The E-TRAINEE project is a new collaboration project for developing an “E-learning course on Time Series Analysis in Remote Sensing for Understanding Human-Environment Interactions” with Markéta Potůčková (Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography, Charles University Prague) as PI of the project and Heidelberg University, University of Innsbruck and University of Warsaw as project partners. The…
OSMlanduse European Union validation effort
We launched a validation campaign of our new 10meter resolution OSMlanduse product for the member states of the European Union. Please contribute to the validation here. A technique where contributions are checked against each other is implemented to promote quality of information. The mapathon comes in four themes: nature, urban, agriculture or expert. While the expert…
How to become ohsome part 8 – complex analysis with the magical filter parameter
It’s CITY CYCLING time – some of you may even be involved in your municipality – a good opportunity to have a look on the OpenStreetMap (OSM) cycling ways in our city Heidelberg. Welcome to part 8 of our how to become ohsome blog post series. This time we will show you how to set…
Contiguous high resolution OSMlanduse map of the European Union by combining Copernicus data and OpenStreetMap
Find here a new update of the map. By injecting known tags provided by OpenStreetMap (OSM) into a remote sensing feature space using deep learning, tags were predicted when absent thus creating a contiguous map – initially for the member states of the EU. By design our method can be applied when- and wherever…
OSM completeness mapping for airborne situation assessment following an earthquake
As part of the LOKI project (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen), a first test run of a newly launched OpenStreetMap (OSM) completeness mapping project in MapSwipe has been conducted yesterday. The aim of the LOKI project is to develop an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation assessments following an earthquake. The system will…
ohsome API v1.1 – changes and new functionalities
Recently we’ve had the first minor release 1.1 of the ohsome API, which brings several new features and upgrades. In the following lines we want to present to you the most important ones. Prior to 1.1, when you were requesting data through one of our data extraction endpoints, you would always get the geometries clipped…
SYSSIFOSS project video on the potential of synthetic LiDAR data in forestry applications
Do you want to find out about the potential of simulating LiDAR data over synthetic forest stands and the steps to get there? Get to know the SYSSIFOSS research project in the video below! Link to video In SYSSIFOSS we are using 3D LiDAR forest data to create a database of diverse model trees (different…
The future of working with OSM data
The open, flexible and collaborative nature as well as the benefits and advantages of OpenStreetMap (OSM) lead to the creation of a whole new ecosystem evolving around the project. They range from local and global communities of data and software developers to a large amount of tools and services like disaster response, routing, art etc.…
Integration of Authoritative and Volunteered Geographic Information for updating Urban Mapping: Challenges and Potentials
A recently published paper provides a bibliometric review between integration of authoritative and volunteered geographic information (VGI) for the specific purpose of cartographic updating of urban mappings. The adopted methodology was through a bibliometric survey of the literature published by Web of Science and Science Direct. The period was evaluated from 2005 to 2020 and…
Training in Innovative Technologies for Close-range Sensing in Alpine Terrain – 3rd Edition
The 3rd edition of the international summer school “Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine terrain” took place in Obergurgl, Austria, in June 2019. A group of 40 young researchers (mainly PhD students) participated to learn about various sensors, processing techniques, and analysis methods for different topics in high-mountain research. A recently published article reports on results…
Inferencing indoor room semantics using random forest and relational graph convolutional networks (deep learning)
Semantically rich maps are the foundation of indoor location‐based services. Many map providers such as OpenStreetMap and automatic mapping solutions focus on the representation and detection of geometric information (e.g., shape of room) and a few semantics (e.g., stairs and furniture) but often still neglect room usage. To mitigate the issue, a new published paper…
Hitzebelastung in der Heidelberger Bahnstadt – Interview mit Kathrin Foshag
Die große Hitzebelastung durch steigende Temperaturen und eine zunehmende Zahl heißer Tage in Städten wird derzeit auch wieder in Heidelberg spürbar. In einem aktuellen Beitrag des SWR betont Dr. Kathrin Foshag die große Bedeutung von städtebaulichen Beschattungsmaßnahmen, um die enorme Hitzebelastung auf öffentlichen Plätzen zu reduzieren. Link zum Beitrag Dr. Kathrin Foshag erforschte in ihrem…