Category: Research
Online data viewer: Heidelberg’s tallest trees
Two weeks ago, we conducted a field campaign in the frame of a 3DGeo Sensor Practical course to acquire 3D point clouds of Heidelberg’s tallest trees, Sequoias planted in the Arboretum I (see our blog post). Today, we present the prepared data in our new online point cloud viewer based on potree: A few…
New paper on OSM feature completeness modelling accepted for AGIT symposium
The availability of data on public transport is a prerequisite for numerous spatial data applications such as routing, accessibility analyses or route planning. OpenStreetMap (OSM) – as a global platform for Volunteered Geographic Information – is one of the options for sharing public transport data. The data completeness on OSM, however, is characterized by heterogeneity. Results…
M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation
In our efforts to improve change detection and quantification in time series of 3D point clouds, we have published yet another milestone. Our paper, titled M3C2-EP: Pushing the limits of 3D topographic point cloud change detection by error propagation, presents a novel method to better separate noise from actual change in point clouds sensed with…
Graduate Celebration 2021
On 25 June 2021, we celebrated together with the graduates of 2020/2021 of Bachelor and Master of Science in Geography, and also School Education (Lehramt) at the digital ceremony. Moreover, the rector of our University, Prof. Bernhard Eitel, gave an interesting talk about the history of the Institute of Geography. He outlined how a wide…
OSM Changeset Analysis with Humstats and the ohsome Framework
In this blog post we want to take a closer look at a fruitful mapping collaboration between humanitarian organizations and corporations. Since 2015 mapping remote areas in OSM is one part in the cooperation between the leading savings, retirement and insurance company, Aviva, and the British Red Cross (BRC). By combining multiple datasets we analyzed…
OSM data quality analysis for different stages of the mapping process
Slums are an important operational area for humanitarian organisations: Because of provisional housing, poor sanitation and difficult socio-political circumstances offers of help from such organisations are important and often necessary. For such deployments, humanitarian actors rely heavily on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), as official maps and data are often incomplete. This makes it all the…
Monitoring OSM and Tasking Manager to Map 1 Billion
In 2020, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) received funding from seven donors through TED’s Audacious Project. This has accelerated HOT’s ambition to map an area home to one billion people. HOT is working to add places at high risk of natural disaster or experiencing poverty to OpenStreetMap by significantly scaling-up support for local mapping communities.…
Measuring the tallest sequoias of Germany in student field campaign
Last Fieldwork Friday, a group of students gathered in Arboretum I to capture Heidelberg’s sequoia trees in the frame of a 3D Sensor Practical. In small groups, the students learned surveying strategies via terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements. It was one of the first joint field campaigns of our…
GIScience and HeiGIT contributions to AGILE 2021 conference
The AGILE 2021 conference is taking place this week. It is the the 24rd AGILE conference on GIScience. AGILE is the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe and the 2021 conference is for the first time held as a virtual conference. As in earlier years GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT are contributing to the conference with several…
Methods and algorithms for 3D/4D change analysis and virtual laser scanning
Curious, which methods on 3D/4D point cloud-based change analysis and virtual laser scanning we are working on, that might also be interesting for your research? Thanks to a redesign of our 3DGeo website you can now quickly get an overview of algorithms and methods, that are acitvely developed in our research and featured in recent…
Automatic building detection with ohsome2label and Tensorflow
Accurate and complete geographic data of human settlement is crucial for humanitarian aid and disaster response. OpenStreetMap (OSM) can serve as a valuable source, especially for global south countries where buildings are largely unmapped. In a previous blog, we introduced our recent work in detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings, so this time we will show you…
The ohsome quality analyst goes public on Github with new release 0.3.0
The ohsome quality analyst (short: OQT) has been introduced at the beginning of this year and today we are proud to announce two updates. First, we released the new version 0.3.0 which includes new OSM layers and a brand new data quality report. Working on this release has been the first collaboration with MapAction under…