Category: Lidar Group

  • Video online – Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage (MUSIEKE)

    The official video of the research project “Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage (MUSIEKE)” has been released and can be watched here: The project MUSIEKE aims at analyzing interrelations between perceptions and experiences of cultural heritage: in (1) museum environments, in (2) urban spaces and their spatio-temporal entanglements with the surrounding (cultural) landscape and in…

  • Impressions from ISPRS Congress 2016 in Prague

    As we mentioned earlier, we contributed four papers to the ISPRS congress and participated in the CATCON contest for brilliant Computer Assisted Teaching tools. Our new LiDAR Simulator called HELIOS developed by Sebastian Bechtold received a lot of attention. You can also find us in this video of congress day 3. Our young researchers Katharina,…

  • Four contributions from GIScience Heidelberg at the ISPRS Congress in Prague

    The LiDAR Research Group (LRG) of GIScience Heidelberg is contributing novel approaches for geological outcrop characterization, LiDAR simulation, tree classification as well as education in close-range sensing. You are kindly invited to visit our presentations at the ISPRS Congress 2016 in Prague. Furthermore our new HELIOS LiDAR Simulator will participate in the CATCON contest for…

  • Local-scale flood mapping on vegetated floodplains from radiometrically calibrated airborne LiDAR dat

    Knowledge about the magnitude of localised flooding of riverine areas is crucial for appropriate land management and administration at regional and local levels. However, detection and delineation of localised flooding with remote sensing techniques are often hampered on floodplains by the presence of herbaceous vegetation. To address this problem, our very recent paper presents the…

  • New publication: ‘Terrestrial and unmanned aerial system imagery for deriving photogrammetric three-dimensional point clouds and volume models of mass wasting sites.’

    The results of a study dealing with photogrammetric 3D geodata of mass wasting sites conducted at the GIScience were considered to be worth publishing in the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing: ‘Terrestrial and unmanned aerial system imagery for deriving photogrammetric three-dimensional point clouds and volume models of mass wasting sites.‘ Three-dimensional (3D) geodata of mass…

  • Report on Trail Valley Creek Research Station

    The Tusaayaksat Magazine reports on the research activities at the Trail Valley Creek Research Station, Canada, where members of the LiDAR research group (Inga Beck, Sabrina Marx & Bernhard Höfle) captured in-situ data within the PermaSAR research project last summer: “Climate change research in our own backyard“, p. 58-63.

  • RNZ-Zeitungsflirt 2016 über die Geoinformatik

    “Mit Geoinformatik zur knusprigen Pizza Margherita” – so lautet der Beitrag von Helen Sandbrink in der Sonderbeilage “Zeitungsflirt 2016” der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (RNZ) vom 10. Mai 2016. Frau Sandbrink beschreibt ihre Sicht auf die Geoinformatik, die sie durch einen Besuch am Geographischen Institut gewinnen konnte. Quelle: Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (Nr. 107/2016), Seite 5 in der Sonderbeilage “Zeitungsflirt 2016”,…

  • EGU Session: 3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization

    The session “3D Point Clouds in Geosciences: Capturing, Analysis and Visualization” at the EGU 2016 General Assembly achieved high interest and active participation: the lecture room was fully crowded with peopling standing; intensive and lively discussions took place at the posters. Furthermore, the quality of the contributions (oral as well as posters) was high and…

  • Successful kickoff meeting for project ‘3D-TAIGER’ at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan

    From April 5th till April 9th , the three GIScience members Bernhard Höfle, Kristina Koenig, and Martin Hämmerle visited colleagues at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan, within the frame of the collaboration and exchange project 3D-TAIGER (‘Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation Extraction for Improved Management of Forest and Natural Hazards – Collaboration between TAIwan…

  • 3D Participatory Sensing for Crop Height Assessment

    Participatory Sensing (PS) is a concept which enables laymen to easily gather geodata with standard low-cost mobile devices, offering new and efficient opportunities for agricultural monitoring. The integration of local agricultural knowledge may help to better understand complex phenomena such as the association between climate variability, crop yields and undernutrition. In our new study we…

  • Autonomously Operating Low-Cost Static Terrestrial LiDAR

    In order to optimize agricultural processes, near real-time spatial information about in-field variations, such as crop height development (i.e., changes over time), is indispensable. This development can be captured with a LiDAR system. However, its applicability in precision agriculture is often hindered due to high costs and unstandardized processing methods. In our new study we…

  • 3D-TAIGER: Multi-Source 3D Geoinformation Extraction for Improved Management of Forest and Natural Hazards

    New DAAD/MOST project will enable intensive exchange between Taiwan and Germany in 2016-17 The main scientific objective of 3D-TAIGER‘s exchange and collaborative research is the development of new methods for the automatic extraction of 3D geoinformation related to forests and natural hazards in Taiwan using multi-source remote sensing data. The project 3D-TAIGER is an international…