Category: External Projects

  • Evaluation of EU project on Improving Accessibility with OpenStreetMap

    The second year evaluation meeting of CAP4Access project took place on February 17th, 2016 at European Commission in Brussels. Representatives of all project partners presented the results and work-in-progress of their tasks for the second year of the project, followed by questions from two external reviewers appointed by the European Commission. From CAP4Access team at GIScience…

  • GIScience Heidelberg joins OSGeo GeoForAll Labs

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg joined the OSGE GeoForAll initiative and network as an Open Source Geospatial Laboratory and Research Center. GIScience Heidelberg is supporting free and open GI software, open GI standards (OGC), open Geo-Data (e.g. OpenStreetMap and other VGI), open access publication and GIS education in many ways. This is demonstrated already…

  • GeoNet.MRN :: Infrastructure for Electromobility in the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar

    The Network Geoinformation GeoNet.MRN analyses and discusses the needs and challenges of providing an infrastructure for electromobility (e.g. charging stations) in the Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar. (Article in German). GeoNet.MRN also produced a nice map showing the current distribution of charging stations in this region. Thank you Hartmut, nice work! Also the need for detailled geoinformation…

  • New Portal for GeoNet.MRN – the Network Geoinformation of the Metropole Region Rhine-Neckar e.V.

    Recently the new portal for GeoNet.MRN – the “Network Geoinformation of the Metropole Region Rhine-Neckar e.V.” has been published at It is based on the Enterprise Portal technology of the GeoNet.MRN member Fasihi GmbH Ludwigshafen. Thanks to Fasihi for this kind support! The portal includes news and events by GeoNet.MRN e.V itself and also…

  • Geographic Feature Mining from VGI – a framework for Geographic Knowledge Discovery

    This friday Dipl. Geographer Christian Sengstock successfully defended his PhD thesis in the combined faculty for the natural sciences and mathematics of Heidelberg University. He developed a framework for Geographic Knowledge Discovery from User-Generated data. The thesis was supervised by Prof. Michael Gertz (co-PI at our CrowdAnalyser Graduate School) from the database research group at…

  • GIScience HD @ CEBIT 2015: Specialized Routing Services with IBM and HDM-I

    Tour-Optimization in the Cloud in cooperation with IBM and Heidelberg Mobil International HDM-I the GIScience Research Group of Heidelberg University presents new approaches and solutions for specialized tour-optimization based on free and open geodata from OpenStreetMap and Cloud-based services in the in the “Cloud Area” at the CEBIT computer fair. These services enable software developers…

  • Report on the first evaluation meeting of CAP4Access project

    On January 28, the evaluation meeting for the results of the first year of European FP7 project CAP4Access took place at European Commission in Brussels. Representatives of all project partners gave a presentation of the results and work-in-progress of their tasks which followed by questions from two external reviewers appointed by the European Commission. From the…

  • The Disaster Mappers Heidelberg look back at an exiting year 2014

    Here you can find their Blogpost about last years crisis mapping activities. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

  • Report on CAP4Access meeting in Elche, Spain

    The 3rd official meeting for CAP4Access project took place in the beautiful city of Elche in Spain during 28 to 30th of October 2014. The morning of the first day was spent in a press conference at the municipality of Elche where the mayor of the city gave a talk regarding the importance of this…

  • Summary of CAP4Access workshop in Heidelberg

    On the 12th and 13th of August 2014, the Smart Simulation Group led by Dr. Mohamed Bakillah of the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University organized and hosted an internal workshop for the CAP4Access project partners. The aim of this workshop was to present and discuss the activities, sharing of tasks, ongoing progress and issues…

  • Conference call: Remote Sensing and GIS for Monitoring of Habitat Quality

    The conference web site: The International Workshop Remote Sensing and GIS for Monitoring of Habitat Quality, organized by GEO TU Wien and the Centre for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, will connect scientists, practitioners and stakeholders from the domains of remote sensing, GIS and habitat conservation, to discuss how recent developments…

  • Citizen Science for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation

    On the 5th and 6th of March, members of our working group Clemens Jacobs and René Westerholt visited the kickoff meeting of the WIPs-DE project, a Germany-wide effort to improve protection of certain plant species, sponsored by Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN, Bundesamt of Naturschutz) in the federal biodiversity programme. Among other goals, the…