Author: Sabrina Marx
HeiGIT at the ‘Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge’
Last week the ‘Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge‘ took place in Berlin. The annual symposium, organized by the German Red Cross, brings various actors together involved in national and international disaster risk reduction. Our workshop, which we were running together with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), focused…
Workshop at the ‘Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge’
Only two days left to register for the Fachtagung Katastrophenvorsorge in Berlin, 22. – 23. October 2018. Join our workshop on Geoninformation & Disaster Prepardness, which we are running together with the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). The Symposium is organized by the German Red…
Analyse HOT Tasking Manager Projects with the ohsome API
Have a look at our new Jupyter notebook which provides a step-by-step introduction how to use the ohsome API. We show you how to analyse the OSM mapping efforts related to a HOT Tasking Manager project in Nepal. The analyzed project 1008 “Nepal Earthquake, 2015, IDP Camps in Kathmandu” was created by Kathmandu Living Labs…
Perspective Article: Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction
Over the past few years, the Missing Maps approach has repeatedly proved its potential for humanitarian assistance and disaster management. While the project was launched by only four organizations, there are now 17 member organizations in Missing Maps, and nearly 60,000 mappers. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have recognized the potential of the…
Announcing the launch of our new HeiGIT website
We are excited to announce that our new HeiGIT website is live! Visit us at
HeiGIT/GIScience@FOSS4G 2018
FOSS4G 2018 is only 42 days away and we are excited to present our Openrouteservice for Disaster Management there. Furthermore, we will provide insights on the potential of the ohsome platform for the HOT community. Check out the program for further details. We hope to see you in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, August 27 –…
Ohsome for Street Network Analysis and Disaster Activation Monitoring
Disaster mapping activations that are supported by many volunteers with various levels of experience raise questions related to the quality of the provided Volunteered Geographic Information. Learning about the data quality that can be expected in a disaster activation helps to evaluate the quality and fitness for purpose of the OSM data. At the ISCRAM…
Preview of the ohsome Nepal dashboard
The ohsome OpenStreetMap history analytics platform, which is currently developed at HeiGIT, will make OSM’s full-history data more easily accessible. We are pleased to announce that we are coming closer to reaching our objectives, hereby sharing a preview of the first ohsome web dashboard. Our dashboards will allow you to explore OSM full-history data using…
Openrouteservice for Disaster Management: Supporting Humanitarian Logistics with Hourly Updates
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) provides immediate support for disaster or humanitarian responses by coordinating and activating a global network of mappers that contribute up-to-date geodata to the OSM database. For example, after the Nepal earthquake 2015 volunteers added up to 800 km to the OSM street network per hour! This information could successfully support…
New Real-time OSM service provides custom up-to-date Extracts of OpenStreetMap Data
Disaster events damage human infrastructure and its surroundings within seconds. To support humanitarian logistics, the Disaster OpenRouteService needs the latest, most accurate data available. While crowd-sourcing OSM updates during disasters proved very successful, there is not yet a convenient way of automatically accessing up-to-date OSM data for specific regions of interest. Addressing this need, HeiGIT…
Third Arctic Expedition to Trail Valley
The third arctic expedition to Trail Valley, located about 50 km north of Inuvik, NWT, Canada, concludes the field work within the PermaSAR project. Sabrina Marx, Katharina Anders (both: LiDAR Research Group, Heidelberg University) and Julia Boike (Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam) stayed a week in the research camp. We were not only able to acquire…
Report on Trail Valley Creek Research Station
The Tusaayaksat Magazine reports on the research activities at the Trail Valley Creek Research Station, Canada, where members of the LiDAR research group (Inga Beck, Sabrina Marx & Bernhard Höfle) captured in-situ data within the PermaSAR research project last summer: “Climate change research in our own backyard“, p. 58-63.