Author: Melanie Eckle-Elze
Wikimedia and MSF talks @Disaster 2.0 seminar- Latest theory and practice in disaster management
How are Wikipedia/Wikimedia volunteers supporting disaster management? What role does their engagement all around open source and open data play? What are the latest developments and innovations in humanitarian contexts and how are they defined and addressed? These questions were discussed in the first block of the Disaster 2.0 seminar last week. Daniel Mietchen, Biophysicist…
HeiGIT/ disastermappers visit at MSF Czech Republic
HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg have been in contact and collaborating with MSF CZ over the last years already and have been supporting their work through joined Mapathons as well as MapSwipe Mapathon support. Last week members of HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg visited Prague to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss potential ways to take this…
Your support for MAnnheimer MAPAthons (MAMAPA)
Beginning of May the recently launched MAMAPA project reached yet another milestone. Four very successful MAMAPA mapathons were already organized in the Mannheimer Abendakademie, supported by CartONG, HeiGIT/ disastermappers heidelberg and local tandems, and there are hopefully many more to come… To build a sustainable future for the MAMAPA project, members of HeiGIT, CartONG and…
HeiGIT/GIScience @ISCRAM 2018 Rochester- Exchange of latest crisis management practice and innovative ideas near a natural wonder of the world
Rochester NY, a small city located at Lake Ontario, became a gathering place for the international ISCRAM community last week. Researchers and practitioners from over 20 countries presented their latest work, ideas and needs related to crisis management at the 15th ISCRAM conference. Crisis and humanitarian management being one of the main focuses of the…
Nama Budhathoki (Kathmandu Living Labs) visit at GIScience/ HeiGIT- The power of civic tech or how to connect data, GIS technology and people
Just before the Easter holidays, our GIScience/HeiGIT team hosted Dr. Nama Raj Budhathoki, Executive Director of Kathmandu Living Labs (KLL), to take our existing collaboration to the next level. KLL and GIScience/HeiGIT have collaborated in various projects in the last few years. GIScience/HeiGIT have contributed to OSM data of Nepal through mapathons in Heidelberg. Relevant…
Workshop with Wikimedia on Disaster Management: Connecting Humanitarian Actors, Research and Digital Volunteer Communities
Over the last couple of years a new group of actors has become increasingly important to support disaster management – digital volunteers. They support disaster responses and humanitarian activities from all over the world. Crowdsourced Wikipedia articles are oftentimes the first source of information people read to learn more about a disaster. Likewise, the OpenStreetMap…
disastermappers heidelberg/GIScience support for MAnnheimer MAPAthons (MAMAPA)- Integration and humanitarian contribution
The first mapathon in the MAMAPA framework was held on January 23, 2018 at the Abendakademie in the city center of Mannheim. Project organizer Robert Danziger, Board member at CartONG and member of the disastermappers heidelberg, presented the project in several different locations in Mannheim in the weeks leading to the event. Immigrant language and…
Semester Ending Mapathon and Open Group Meeting
disastermappers heidelberg want to invite you to our last mapathon in this winter term! This time, we will be mapping the rural areas of Tanzania in eastern Africa. There will be a Skype interview with Janet Chapman of the Tanzania Development Trust, who will give us an overview on the mapping activities in this area.…
GIScience/HeiGIT support to #Mapthedifference
GIScience/HeiGIT and disastermappers heidelberg have been proud supporters of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) for a couple of years already. Our GIScience/HeiGIT Team is contributing OSM related research, applications and services. The disastermappers furthermore organize mapathons, workshops and webinars, and thereby help to extend the mapping community and raise awareness about OpenStreetMap (OSM), possible applications…
HeiGIT/GIScience partnership with Kathmandu Living Labs
Kathmandu Living Labs– a team of young entrepreneurs and out of the box thinkers that change the use and creation of data in Nepal. The team around Nama Budhathoki was launched in 2013 and emerged of a previous Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI) program. In the scope of the OpenDRI project, the team has…
Missing Maps mapathon to support OSM GeoWeek
Dear Mapping Enthusiasts, November 12th-18th is the international OpenStreetMap GeoWeek. Since 1987, in the third week of November all around the world different kind of projects and activities are planned to raise awareness about the significance of geography and spatial data and how we affect and are affected by it. This year we celebrate the…
disastermappers heidelberg join youthmappers network
We are happy to announce that disastermappers heidelberg just joined youthmappers– an international network with over 4,000 university student mappers in 78 campus chapters that are spread across 25 countries. Since 2015, youthmappers help student mapping initiatives around the world to address real-world challenges, following the theme “We don`t just build maps- we build mappers”. After Polimappers…