GIScience/HeiGIT and disastermappers heidelberg have been proud supporters of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) for a couple of years already. Our GIScience/HeiGIT Team is contributing OSM related research, applications and services. The disastermappers furthermore organize mapathons, workshops and webinars, and thereby help to extend the mapping community and raise awareness about OpenStreetMap (OSM), possible applications of OSM data and the work of HOT.
Through our collaboration and partnership, we got a good understanding of the important impact HOT and the produced map data have for disaster affected communities and humanitarian organizations. We however also know the challenges and limitations of HOT´s work in regard to technology, reach and sustainability.
We are therefore happy to support and raise awareness about the HOT Year End Fundraising Campaign. All of this year´s donations will be used to maintain and improve crucial tools and services of HOT to enable more people to get engaged, to contribute and to benefit from OSM and thereby reduce their vulnerability to disasters and humanitarian crises. Furthermore the donations will support the communities that suffered from this year´s disasters.
Sounds interesting? If you want to learn more about the campaign and how to support, please visit our fundraising site and go through the information on the main campaign homepage.