Author: Bernhard Höfle
Vorbesprechung GP/Übung: Physiogeographische Geodatenerfassung im Hochgebirge (Ötztal)
Die Veranstaltung “Physiogeographische Geodatenerfassung im Hochgebirge (Ötztal)” wird im Sommersemester 2016 zwischen 31.07.2016 und 06.08.2016 in Obergurgl, Tirol, Österreich, durchgeführt. Die verpflichtende Vorbesprechung findet am Fr. 11.12, 12:00 s.t., R015/INF348, statt. Die Veranstaltung ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Geoinformatik und Physiogeographie und bietet erstmals die einzigartige Möglichkeit verschiedenste Methoden der Geodatenerfassung an einem der schönsten und…
Public Workshop – Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage (MUSIEKE)
Workshop: Kulturerbe: Erfassbar – Sichtbar – Erfahrbar Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen aus Forschungsprojekten zur Sicht- und Erfahrbarmachung von Kulturerbe 1. Dezember 2015 09:30-15:00 Uhr ZAK | Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B 76137 Karlsruhe Zur Anmeldung Flyer (PDF, ca. 1MB) Programm 9:30-9:45 Get Together 9:45-9:55 Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von…
3D-MicroMapping of Big 3D Geo-Datasets in the Web (3D-MAPP)
Our new research project 3D-MAPP develops a web-based methodology to obtain digital geodata via the combination of data analysis by human and machine. Through a quick and easy-to-use 3D Web visualization users are able – in a few seconds – to solve 3D micro mapping tasks, which can hardly or even not be solved by…
Press release about our new project 4DEMON
The Heidelberg University reports in a current press release (in German) about our new project 4DEMON: 4D Near Real-Time Environmental Monitoring, which is funded by the highly competitive Junior Professorship Funding Scheme of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts, Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Systematic review of current efforts to quantify the impacts of climate change on undernutrition
Malnutrition is a challenge to the health and productivity of populations and is viewed as one of the five largest adverse health impacts of climate change. Nonetheless, systematic evidence quantifying these impacts is currently limited. Our aim was to assess the scientific evidence base for the impact of climate change on childhood undernutrition (particularly stunting)…
Editor’s choice – Information fusion infrastructure for remote-sensing and in-situ sensor data to model people dynamics
Our paper “Information fusion infrastructure for remote-sensing and in-situ sensor data to model people dynamics” by Hillen et al. (2014) has been selected by the editor of the International Journal of Image and Data Fusion to be freely accessible for downloading (editor’s choice). The paper presents a novel concept for an information fusion infrastructure to…
ISPRS Innsbruck PhD Summer School of Alpine Research 2015
The first summer school of its kind on Close Range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain took place in Obergurgl, Ötztal Valley, Austria, from July 5 – 11 2015. The event was co-hosted by the ISPRS, the main organizer University of Innsbruck and several other European universities including the GIScience Group of Heidelberg University. More than…
First Arctic Expedition for 3D Earth Observation of Permafrost (Mackenzie Delta, Canada) within our PermaSAR Project
In June 2015 the LiDAR Research Group (LRG), Heidelberg University, performed a joint expedition with the Alfred-Wegener Institute (AWI). This was our first field expedition within the PermaSAR research project, which is funded by the BMWi / German Aerospace Center (DLR) from 2015 to 2018. The project PermaSAR aims at developing a novel method for…
How to find the fastest way out of a dense human crowd using your smartphone?
In our research “Routing in Dense Human Crowds Using Smartphone Movement Data and Optical Aerial Imagery“, we propose a navigation approach for smartphones that enables visitors of major events to avoid crowded areas or narrow streets and to navigate out of dense crowds quickly. Two types of sensor data are integrated. Real-time optical images acquired…
Mon-Shieh Yang successfully completes his PhD
Mon-Shieh Yang successfully defended his PhD thesis at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan. We cordially congratulate him! Mon-Shieh was member of the Heidelberg GIScience Team for almost one year (until May 2015). He was performing research with the LiDAR Research Group (LRG) where he investigated the derivation of novel LiDAR-based roughness measures…
3D Field Trip to Greece – Exploring 3D GIScience in one of the most exciting geological settings
Our students learned how multiple 3D geodata sensor systems (LiDAR, UAVs, GNSS) can be used to capture and analyze the geomorphology and geology of one of the most exciting geological areas, the Peloponnese in Greece. Together with the geology students from the University of Stavanger more than 30 young researchers explored the area around the…