We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk
The speaker is Mathias Gröbe
Technical University of Dresden, Department of Geosciences, Institute of Cartography
When: Monday 23.04.2018, 14:15
Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University)
Micro Diagrams: A Multi-Scale Approach for Geovisual Analysis of Categorised Point Datasets
Location-based social media from different platforms such as Twitter and Flickr increasingly serve as data source for many diverse research projects with their point-geocoded content. For analyses and visualisation, it is necessary to show distributions of categories in different scales and resolutions. The Micro Diagrams were developed as solution to map such large geospatial point datasets. For example, a pie chart shows the numerical proportion, and the size or transparency of the chart symbolises the number of records. Therefor an aggregation is necessary to create the diagrams and to map the number of values in one cluster to a visual variable like size. Depending on the aggregation type, the resulting patterns differ. It is possible to choose a convenient method that allows to work with multiple scales with a separate content zoom interaction and to carry out scale-dependent pattern analysis of multivariate point datasets. As visualisation constraint, the area that is used for the representation of the values scales with the numbers of aggregated values.