Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation featured in Heidelberg University Newsroom

No place for climate change: A recent transdisciplinary study on the viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat was featured in the official Heidelberg University Newsroom (English version here).

The study has been conducted by a Heidelberg research team led by Dr. Kathrin Foshag and investigated the heat stress in selected urban squares in Heidelberg and identified adaptation measures that can be taken.

Find more details about the study in a recent blogpost and in the full publication:

Foshag, K., Aeschbach, N., Höfle, B., Winkler, R., Siegmund, A., Aeschbach, W., 2020: Viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat: A transdisciplinary approach, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 59, August 2020, 102215,