We’re proud to share our recent conference experience with you!
Our HeiGIT Product Owners for Big Data and Smart Mobility, Benjamin Herfort and Julian Psotta, had the privilege of attending the FOSSGIS 2024 conference, where they contributed valuable insights and expertise.

The results of an exciting six years of joint work and shared projects between HeiGIT and the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy of Germany were presented by our Product Owner Julian and Florian Micklich from the RoutingPlus-Team of BKG. The presentation “From openrouteservice to RoutingPlus – Insights into a global routing cluster” can be watched online (see below).
It is a pleasure working with the BKG, and we are eagerly anticipating any forthcoming endeavours.

Beyond OSM-based routing insights, we presented our new ohsomeNow stats for which we just released v1.0. This is particularly interesting for everyone who needs minutely up-to-date OSM statistics on mapping activity, for example mapathon organizers. We were also impressed to see how the ohsome framework has powered several analyses presented at this year’s FOSSGIS conference, e.g. for an OSM based cylcling quality index or OSM data completeness investigation. This motivates us a lot!
Check out our FOSSGIS talks (in German):
- ohsomeNow: OSM-Daten in Echtzeit analysieren
- Mit openrouteservice zu RoutingPlus – Einblicke in einen globalen Routing-Cluster
For further inquiries please feel free to contact ohsome@heigit.org or support@smartmobility.heigit.org.