The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator (HELIOS) is an open source laser scanning simulation framework for interactive simulation and visualization of terrestrial, mobile and airborne laser scanning surveys. It can be flexibly used for teaching and training of laser scanning, development of new scanner hardware and scanning methods, or generation of artificial scan data sets to support the development of point cloud processing and analysis algorithms.
In a recent study, which was published in the Nature Research Open Acess Journal Scientific Research, HELIOS was used to compare the resolution of commercialized LiDAR to fast switching time-of-flight sensors for light detection and ranging based on hetero-integration. Find all details in the full article:
Park, M., Baek, Y., Dinare, M. et al. (2020): Hetero-integration enables fast switching time-of-flight sensors for light detection and ranging. In: Sci Rep 10, 2764 (2020), pp. 1-8. DOI:
Due to its high flexibility HELIOS has already been used by the 3DGeo Research Group and other research groups for different studies and applications. Find all studies here.
If you are interested in using HELIOS for your application and research, you can download a pre-compiled latest version of HELIOS here. The corresponding wiki contains detailed information on how to set up and handle HELIOS.
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