The new project on landcover monitoring with emphasis on vegetation under the climatic change pressure using multitemporal and multisource remote sensing data is a collaboration project funded in the framework of 4EU+ Flagship 4: Biodiversity and Sustainable Developement with Markéta Potůčková (Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography, Charles University Prague) as PI of the project. Project partners are Heidelberg University, University of Copenhagen and University of Warsaw.
Climate change develops a pressure on natural ecosystems. Ecosystem continuous monitoring is, thus, the key for understanding their components and interrelations. Moreover, it indicates the intensity of climate and environmental changes and success rate of protective steps towards sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity. Rapid developments in remote sensing (RS) in the last decades have enabled the Earth observation in vast range of spatial, spectral and time scales. The era of “big data” and progress in artificial intelligence bring new possibilities and challenges in extracting information from RS data.

Joint research activities are developed towards i) exploitation and development of methodologies for multisource (multi-and hyperspectral, LiDAR) and multitemporal data fusion on different platforms (spaceborne, airborne, unmanned aircraft systems), ii) using multisource and multitemporal data for studying dynamics of selected ecosystems sensitive to climate and environmental changes (tundra, temperate and flood-plain forests) on different spatial scales (regional and plot-based), iii) retrieval of quantitative vegetation parameters from multisource and multitemporal data.
Find a more detailled description of the project on the project website.
The project is funded within the frame of the 4EU+ University Alliance