A series of video tutorials of GigaMesh has recently become available on YouTube. GigaMesh is a software framework for displaying, processing and visualizing large meshes of 3D spatial data representing 2D surfaces.
The most recent tutorial by Paul Bayer and Hubert Mara presents a rapid method of hillshading for a geospatial dataset. The video shows the powerful 3D spatial visualization methods implemented in the software in a geographic context using HiRISE terrain data from Mars.
Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/GwhC7mGWY-A

Want to try it yourself? Download pre-built Linux binaries and packages of GigaMesh together with example data.
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GigaMesh is developed within the Forensic Computational Geometry Laboratory (FCGL) of Dr. Hubert Mara at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg University.