HeiGIT/ disastermappers visit at MSF Czech Republic

HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg have been in contact and collaborating with MSF CZ  over the last years already and have been supporting their work through joined Mapathons as well as MapSwipe Mapathon support. Last week members of HeiGIT/GIScience and disastermappers heidelberg visited Prague to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss potential ways to take this collaboration further. With the GIS week taking place in Prague at the same time, the meetings were furthermore joined by MSF UK and MSF Geneva. Together we worked on identifying current challenges which might be solved using GIS technology and open datasets such as OpenStreetMap. Have a look at this wikipage and add your challenges!

Discussing the Missing Maps GIS Challenges

The highlight of the visit was the 2nd anniversary of the Czech Missing Maps community– that was celebrated with a mapathon- in which the teams and community had the chance to also meet the amazing local community. This was for sure not the last visit to Prague and we hope that we will also be able to welcome the community in Heidelberg. Till then we will make sure to keep the conversations going and define further ways to support one another.

Melanie and Marcel presenting the work of HeiGIT and disastermappers to the Czech community



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