Missing Maps Mapathon @ Geography Awareness Week @ Heidelberg University

Next week is “Geography Awareness Week” and in this week we organize a voluntary OpenStreetMap Mapping Party. We invite you all cordially to join us mapping for a good purpose. Let`s celebrate the international “Geography Awareness Week” and learn more about the power of maps!

How? With a Missing Maps Mapathon!

When? Nov/18/2015 – 18.15 pm

Where? Lecture hall of the Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University (Berliner Str. 48, 69120 Heidelberg)

Many vulnerable and conflict prone regions of the world are not mapped, causing humanitarian actions to be very challenging. Missing Maps support the ongoing humanitarian and health care projects of the Doctors without Borders/Médecins sans frontières (MSF) by creating map material of these regions (for more information also see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjHYqY7OdXQ)

Sounds interesting?
You can become active yourself by joining us in a Missing Maps mapathon! Together we will map and thereby enable and support MSF projects in South Kivu. The province of the Democratic Republique of the Congo is known for political and social instability as well as reoccuring disease outbreaks that have affected the local population for decades.

Everyone can join. We will teach you all there is to know about mapping and will provide further information about ongoing projects and practices.

Only… Please bring your own laptop if possible

Drinks and snacks will be provided!
Explore the power of maps with us, we are very looking forward to welcome you!

the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg, Disastermappers Heidelberg and the seminar group “GIS in disaster management” at Heidelberg University
(from earlier mapping parties..)


