Quality analysis of VGI: Our session at the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2015)

Dear colleagues,

we are pleased to announce our session called “Quality analysis of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) towards effective use” at the 9th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2015), which will take place in Montpellier, France, from September 28th to October 3rd 2015. Please consider submitting and presenting your relevant research in the session. Here is Call For Papers.


Aims and scope: During the last decade, VGI has evolved considerably and now plays a significant role in GIS community: It represents a potential data source, supports wide range of applications and attracts professionals’ interest from both private and public sector. Nevertheless, VGI is often denounced due to its heterogeneities in quality, completeness and redundancy. At the same time, standard quality measures such as the ones developed by ISO to ensure spatial data quality (e.g. the work of ISO/TC 212) are not always applicable to VGI datasets. The objective of this session is to provide an interdisciplinary forum towards determining techniques and ideas for understanding the quality of VGI and improving the quality aspects including completeness, attributes, locational accuracy, metadata, etc. It aims, among other topics, to: (1) demonstrate the latest state of the most used VGI projects such as OpenStreetMap, Flickr, etc. in terms of data quality, (2) assess VGI quality considering the needs of particular application domains (e.g. environment, routing, disaster management, urban planning, etc.), (3) discuss the strength, shortcomings and solutions for improvement of data structures related to VGI projects for the purpose of long-termed development of VGI projects, (4) discuss and exchange experiences, approaches, and algorithms for quality assessment specified for VGI data, and (5) discuss the criteria and standards for quality assessment for VGI data.

This session will also be be an opportunity to present the work of the COST ENERGIC Action as VGI Quality focuses on the agenda of WG2 and of COST TD 1202 Action as it closely relates to the work of WG1 and WG4.

Further information can be found here:





