Tag: VGI

  • GIScience @ ISCRAM 2017

    The last couple of days, the picturesque city of Albi in southern France became the gathering place of researchers, practitioners and organizations in the field of information systems for crisis response and management. Following the ISCRAM conference theme “Agility is coming” presentations, round tables, workshops, symposiums and keynotes were organized in which the current and…

  • Last Call for Papers on VGI-ANALYTICS – Special Issue in Geo-Spatial Information Science

    Geo-spatial Information Science Special Issue Call for Papers on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)-Analytics Deadline: 9 June 2017 Geo-spatial Information Science (GSIS) invites you to submit your paper to this forthcoming special issue on: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI)-Analytics. ​ Aims and Scope Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media data have become part of our everyday…

  • GIScience contributions to 20th AGILE conference in Wageningen, Netherlands

    This year AGILE celebrated its 20th birthday and conference from May 10 – 12 at Wageningen University, Netherlands. The conference organizers chose “societal geo-information” to be the main theme of the research presented. The GIScience Research Group Heidelberg was represented by its members Tessio Novack, Franz-Benjamin Mocnik and Benjamin Herfort. On Tuesday, the day before…

  • 3D-MAPP talk at 9th “Dresdner Flächennutzungsymposium”

    The “Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium” is an annual event aimed at fostering the discussions about current devolepment regarding land use changes in Germany. During two days experts from government agencies, private companies and research institutions come together and elaborate the latest trends in different session. This years symposium took place from May 3-4. Almost all presentations covered…

  • GIScience support for Crowdsourced Damage Assessment project at Stanford University

    In the aftermath of natural disasters an assessment of the impact and damage in the affected area is crucial to enable coordination of response and recovery. While the disaster preparedness and response activations by the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team in regard to infrastructure mapping have already proven great potential in various disaster events, due to a…

  • Workshop on “spatial urban analytics with user-generated geodata”

    We’ve recently finalised the programme of a workshop on “spatial urban analytics with user-generated geographic information”. The event is conjoined with the 2017 International Conference at the Royal Geographical Society in London and is co-chaired by René Westerholt (GIScience Heidelberg). We received methodological as well as empirical contributions, which reflects the breadth of the complex…

  • Open Data Meeting of AG Open Government Städtetag Baden-Württemberg

    today the interdisciplinary working group “Open Government” of “Städtetag Baden-Württemberg” meets in Heidelberg for a workshop on Open Data. Among the invited speakers are for example – Michael Winckler, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen Uni Heidelberg (IWR) talking about “Open Data aus Sicht einer Forschungseinrichtung” – Prof. Dr. Alexander Zipf, GIScience Heidelberg / HeiGIT), with…

  • NEOHAZ goes in the second round

    The NEOHAZ project will be funded by the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities for a second phase till the end of 2018. This prolonging enables further research about the integration of implicit knowledge from non-scientists in disaster management. The findings and methods of the first part will be used within the context of a…

  • First Impressions HeiGIT @ CeBIT: Smart GeoServices for Smart Cities

    This week you still have the chance to meet colleagues from HeiGIT team at CeBIT 2017 in Hannover. We present Smart GeoServices for Smart Cities in Halle 7 at the Smart City Forum booth together with our colleagues from heidelberg mobil.

  • HeiGIT at FOSSGIS: today several presentations on OSM technology

    in case you are this week not at CeBIT in the north of Germany, but rather at FOSSGIS in the south, you have the chance meet us also there and listen to several presentations on OSM work at HeiGIT and GIScience HD by our team member Martin Raifer. The main talk will be on OSM-History-Analysis…

  • A graph-based strategy for matching points-of-interests from different VGI sources

    Several urban studies have been increasingly relying on spatial data provided by Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) sources. The matching of features across different VGI projects may serve to assess and improve the reliability and completeness of VGI data. In a recent study, we first provide a short discussion on the similarity measures often used for…

  • VGI-Analytics Deadline Extended: CfP for short workshop papers (March 28) and full Journal Papers for GSIS Special Issue (June 9)

    VGI-Analytics offers two formats for paper submission: Workshop Short Paper (2000 to 3000-word manuscript) New Submission Deadline 28th March 2017. Authors are requested to follow the formatting guidelines for short paper submissions on the AGILE 2017 call for papers page and use the  Word .doc template or the  Word .docx template provided. Short papers should be…