Tag: VGI

  • Presentation on VGI and society: inequalities, exclusions and power asymmetries of user generated geoinformation

    This morning Georg Glasze and Thomas Bittner from Erlangen University gave a very interesting keynote talk on “VGI and society: inequalities, exclusions and power asymmetries of user generated geoinformation”. It was well received and lead to a lively discussion among the participants of the DFG SPP VGIscience Collaborative Research Week that is taking place this week…

  • Identifying the Effects of Mobility Domains on Volunteered Geographical Information: Towards an Analytical Approach

    The production of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is a type of human behavior which emerges via direct and indirect interactions with the physical environments described by these data. The nature of these interactions and the extent to which they rely on physical presence in the mapped area may affect the quality of the resulting digital…

  • VGI ALIVE workshop Draft Agenda is available – Join us @AGILE in Lund, Sweden

    The organizers are happy to announce that list of accepted papers at the VGI ALIVE workshop are available. Therefore a prelimnary draft agenda of the workshop at AGILE 2018 in Lund has been posted. Looks like an interesting and promising programme! Stay tuned for further updates and join us for discussions and collaborative sessions in…

  • A taxonomy of quality assessment methods for volunteered and crowdsourced geographic information

    The growing use of crowdsourced geographic information (CGI) has prompted the employment of several methods for assessing information quality, which are aimed at addressing concerns on the lack of quality of the information provided by non‐experts. In a recently published work, we propose a taxonomy of methods for assessing the quality of CGI when no…

  • Deadline Extended to April 23: VGI-ALIVE Workshop @AGILE 2018

    The Deadline for submitting short papers to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018 has been extended to 23 April 2018! This is your chance to submit another contribution to this exiting workshop in Lund, Sweden. Submission format is a workshop short paper (2000 to 3000-word manuscript). Authors of accepted workshop papers will be invited to…

  • Let’s meet at SOTM 2018 :: Paper on OSM History Analytics Accepted in Academic Track

    A paper for the Academic Track of the State of the Map Conference, Milan, has been accepted. We are looking forward to discuss with you following aspects: A growing number of studies analyzes OSM data, its contributors, usage, and quality. Such studies were mostly limited to analyzing either small samples of the OSM database or…

  • Colloquium: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake

    We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Dr. Nama Budhathoki Executive Director of Kathmandu Living Labs When: Monday 26.03.2018, 14:00 st Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Abstract: Production and use of information during emergencies: Experience from 2015 Nepal Earthquake Information is one of the…

  • Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018 CFP: VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Sweden

    VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and provides…

  • GIScience contribution to Big Data Research Winter School with Indian IITs in Heidelberg

    Currently Heidelberg University is establishing a PhD Research Training Group (RTG) on “Big Data Research“ together with several Indian Universities and Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) in the context of the HGS MathComp at the IWR (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing). Partners from India include Allhabad University, Delhi University (MoU pending), Jawaharlal Nehru University, IIT…

  • LandSense Innovation Challenge

    The LandSense Team is thrilled to announce the first LandSense Innovation Challenge, which targets individuals, web-entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs coming from all participating H2020 countries, to present innovative IT solutions in addressing one of the three LandSense domains: Urban Landscape Dynamics, Agricultural Land Use, and Forest & Habitat Monitoring (learn more here). The focus of this…

  • Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018: 2nd CFP – VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Lund.

    VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and…

  • Ending the semester with GIScience colloquium discussions

    The winter semester 2017/2018 just has ended last week at Heidelberg University. The final GIScience colloquium presentation was given by Ross Purves (University of Zurich). After his talk we had a good discussion with members of the GIScience Research Group about VGI research and beyond. Looking forward to continue this soon. Stay tuned for the…