Tag: VGI

  • Open PostDoc Position : Crowd/VGI/LBS/Navigation…

    We offer a full PostDoc position in Geoinformatics for a qualified candidate. The candidate shall support research and management within several projects. The area of expertise shall include one or several of the following: Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Geo-Social-Networks etc. in the GeoWeb 2.0 (e.g. concerning Analysis, Fusion, Integration etc.) Navigation, Routing, Telematics…

  • TV Spot about OpenStreetMap

    Some weeks ago a TV team recorded a short TV spot at our research group (we reported about that earlier). It was subjected to the OpenStreetMap project and some of its possible applications. Today it has been broadcast on ARD. For those who are interested in, but unfortunately missed it, the spot can be found…

  • Explore Science! How to make your own Map

    “Fascinating Earth” is this year’s topic of the Explore Science days. This project of the Klaus-Tschira-Foundation aims at interesting children and pupils for the natural sciences – this year in particular Geosciences. It takes place each year for a week at Luisenpark Mannheim. Prof. Zipf will present on Friday morning (28.06.2013) how anybody – even…

  • #flood #hochwasser — Social Media and Disaster Mapping

    The current flood in Germany is the prominent proof: Social Media, Web 2.0 and Crowdsourcing play a more and more important role in organizing volunteers in humanitarian help. Crowdsouring has shown to be useful for collecting relevant geographical information in natural disasters. This is the very “on spot” topic of our current seminar on VGI…

  • Linux Magazine mentions our new OSM study

    A report in the German language Linux Magazine about our latest OSM study (Open Access).

  • New analysis about OpenStreetMap data

    Two new Journal papers on OSM just have been published. One deals with a “Comparison of Volunteered Geographic Information Data Contributions and Community Development for Selected World Regions” (Open Access) and one is about OSM Data imports in the US. Pascal gives some additional and up2date information here. Enjoy Reading!

  • Blog on Volunteered Geographic Information for Crisis Mapping

    This semester we are doing a course on “Volunteered Geographic Information for Crisis Mapping” It deals with Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), the Fundamentals and its Applications in Humanitarian Affaris and Crisis Management. Within the course we have started a Blog on VGI and Crisis Mapping http://vgi4crisismapping.blogspot.de/

  • VGI ACTIVITY Workshop at AGILE – Full Papers and Position Papers now available for access

    The ACTIVITY workshop was a pre-conference workshop at the 16th AGILE Conference in Leuven, Belgium on May 14th, 2013. The GIScience research group of the University of Heidelberg showed up actively by presenting two presentations by Jamal Jokar on “Individuals’ contribution to cells: a cellular automata approach for simulation of collaboratively mapped areas” and Christopher…

  • OSM Labyrinth solved through??

    A Labyrinth mapped in OpenStreetMap, solved using … ;-).

  • The program of the VGI ACTIVITY Workshop is online

    The latest program of our WORKSHOP: “Action and Interaction in Volunteered Geographic Information” (ACTIVITY) to be held at the 16th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science in Leuven, Belgium. is online now.

  • PostDoc Position 3D WebGIS

    The GIScience Research Group offers a PostDoc position on Web-based 3D-GIS: All Information..